coke zero tries to copy cokes original flavour whilst it has no sugar or calories in it where as diet coke doesnt try to copy normal cokes flavour basically it is a flavour thing pepsi have it also pepsi max is like coke zero where as diet pepsi is like diet coke
historically: Diet Coke turned out to appeal mostly to women (for all the ads showing hunky construction workers guzzling them for morning tea). They needed a Bloke Coke to sell to men. Hence the marginally different taste, but hip black cans so male drinkers wouldn't look like wusses trying to keep their weight down.
// The key difference between diet coke and coke zero is a single chemical.
While Zero Sugar features sodium citrate in its list of ingredients, Diet Coke contains citric acid.//
Indeed, by changing the formula they alter the taste slightly and research will tell them whether that taste may appeal to a different section of consumers.
Brand Positioning
Coke Zero gives guys permission to be guys, leaving them to enjoy everything.
Target Audiences Males
Features and Benefits
Real Coca-Cola® Taste with Zero Calories; targeting young, cross-cultural males.
The companies are selling water with chemical flavourings and chemical sweeteners. There is no nutrition in them. And there are people in the advertising and manufacturing industries who feel happy doing that job.
Terrible that people can get any satisfaction (apart from feeding their kids or themselves) from workng in such an industry.