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Does My Mom Want Me To Die?

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HeaMsoRb | 05:07 Sun 07th Nov 2021 | Food & Drink
49 Answers
My mom is forcing me to eat chicken that is still raw, while claiming that I am dumb and delusional for thinking that it is raw, pointing it out to her, and being worried for my safety. How do I stop this?


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Chicken and fresh fish are still the most causes of stomach complaints, no matter who eats it. The healthy thing about them is theraputic. You believe they are good for you, so in your mind, you feel good about it.
10C, likewise if you think eating something will make you sick, it will.
this is partly cooked isnt it?

I still you need a third party involved.... school or whomever's far more likely to be improper storage/handling or cooking. Not the food itself.
No replies from the OP, maybe mom got her way!
Barry @ 09.50:

//10C, likewise if you think eating something will make you sick, it will.//

If I think eating something will make me sick, then I don't eat it, so it won't make me sick, will it?
But if you don't eat it, how will you know?
Well there you go HeaMsoRb.
Lots of great advice from all the experts on AB.

Go figure ;-/
What does 'go figure' mean?
The fact you say your Mom is 'forcing' you to eat something is more worrying than the actual thing she is trying to force you to eat. Whether the chicken is cooked or not is not the issue here and taking a potentially hazardous food substance to school will do no one any good. They are not going to store it and call public health, this is not their job. However, you do need to talk to someone about your relationship with your mom, as reading through some of your other posts there seems to be the potential here that you are being abused in some way, and this needs to be addressed.
If the OP is quite young...then any thing mom suggests can get translated as "being forced".
As someone else mentioned, are other family members eating the same food with no negative consequences?
No I think the poster is around about 50
and to be honest is lasting damn well if she IS being poisoned
what else is she eating
Pasta, yes I know, I was not using the word 'forced' as in tying someone up and force feeding them. I was using it as a quote from her original OP. (hence the quotation marks :o)) If you read her/his other posts its quite clear there are other issues in the home.
If you take a piece of this chicken to school and explain the situation they WILL call Public Heath and it IS their job to safeguard you by escalating it to the appropriate official.

Please don't take any notice of anyone trying to contradict that advice, they do so for their own spiteful and nefarious reasons.
Hey HeaMsoRb, hope you will get back on this one. Speak to someone at your school, I guess you are in the US?

LadyCG HeaMsoRb is wasting their time taking old, cooked food to school . USA schools never would call Public Health over something like that. PH only get involved when there is an outbreak with more than one case of food poisoning.
I was also under the impression Public Health in the UK only gets involved in multiple cases of food poisoning and only when someone falls ill.
The Food Standards Agency deals with food safety and hygiene in business and commerce, and certainly would not get involved in the scenario the OP is describing.
//LadyCG HeaMsoRb is wasting their time taking old, cooked food to school//

Why would the food be old? Next time she gets served uncooked chicken, she could take a fresh piece of it and take it to school the next day.

//USA schools never would call Public Health over something like that.//

May I ask where your expertise on USA schools comes from? I met a couple from Columbus a couple of years ago whose neighbour went to school with their daughter. She faced exactly the same scenario as described by the OP and took the offensive food to school and the child's parents had a visit from the PH department.

You seem to have come out of nowhere recently and appear to be focused on picking holes in my posts. It's no great shakes, I'm used to the sycophants following me around :-)

Hun you have big anger problems you need to chill. You think peeps are following you around? Talk to someone, seriously.
Anger? Don't judge others by your own emotions. Hun.

Hate ‘hun’ it’s so juvenile

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