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Football - So Dull...

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ToraToraTora | 21:18 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Sport
29 Answers

Is it just me I'm watching the England v the dutch game. I want England to win but these days I find it so dull so boring. How is something so mind numbing so popular?



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I agree entirely - spend much more time watching Rugby and Gaelic Football.

Mind you the Test Match today was pretty good too.

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the sad thing is I can remember loving the game, playing it. I used to live for the tournaments now I'm watching it in the hope we win but I'm looking around for something else to watch it's so boring.

>>> Mind you the Test Match today was pretty good too

Yes, SD.  Proper sport!

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I've been watching for 20 mins now, no one has put a cross in yet! Jesus each side is boring us to death.

England is specialising in not doing anything for at least 90 minutes. Still, they've gone further than the pundits were predicting, so good luck to Southgate.

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even the supporters sound like they are on Mogadons! please someone put this silly "sport" out of its misery.

This is the semi final of a major tournement and no one is interested. I almost miss the hand of god For Funks Sake!

Don't know TTT - we gavd up on it years ago.  Rugby (both types) is much more interesting - or shinty - or ...almost anything .  Netball is fascinating once you know the rules - then there is cricket, which grips but is slower.

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they all look lathargic to me, what happened, are they on the steam or what?

Has anyone won yet?

Players rolling around the field in faked agony is about the most entertaining part of it. 

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gotta say that goal was excellent, well done me old china

Yay they did it!!!  Whoopie;-)))

pretty much as I said at 21:36 then.

Soddit, they've won.

The second half was so dull... no question. England showed how they can play in the first half, they were all over the Dutch.

Negative waves tuning in must've nulled the game... not what Garath said. or what Koeman did with the Dutch team. 

Please for the sake of goodness Don't watch the Final...

Spain will pass pass pass pass pass pass England to death

Football's a bit like kids and Santa, Tora, the penny drops eventually but everyone continues with the pretence in the name of tradition.

Well done England on a place in the final.

You couldn't make it up. Someone mentions the football match is boring, and another recommends cricket instead 🤣🤣🤣

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