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If The Time Came When The Only Source Of Protein Available To You...

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sandyRoe | 18:08 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
13 Answers

... was from insects, crickets and the like, or pulses, lentils, chickpeas and others what would you pick.?



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Animal protein.

Apart fro that I would like to be given the choice.

Once hd a GF that was a vegetarien.

She only ever got her protein from veg. She was always ill. Tried to provide her with protein in other ways but didnt work out...

I've eaten cricket curry, no problem.

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Nailed it

Maybe that says more about you than her 😉

//Maybe that says more about you than her 😉//

She accepted it graciously, maybe didnt always apprriciate it 😂

Insects.  They can be baked in to cakes and nobody would notice, disguised in many ways.

I enjoy all fruit, veg, legumes, nuts, pulses, cereals, fungi - I'll try any type of plant but protein is important.  Tofu and quorn are great sources of protein but tofu is a faff to make at home and quorn is highly processed.

I'll eat everything, thank you very much, including the insects.

I'd choose the vegetarian option.


I have a friend who went vegetarian and like nailedit's girlfriend was subsequently always unwell.  It transpired she had a blood disorder.  She became pescatarian and was cured.

nailedit, my vegan daughter and her vegan family are very fit and healthy.  She has a very physical outdoors job and runs marathons; her children are very active and spend most of their time outdoors too.

Some people who eat very well get ill; some who don't eat well sail through life without so much as a cold.  We are not all the same, maybe it's luck of the draw.

 barry, agree 100 percent.

Ive researched for years the effects of diferent diets.

As far as humans can go the only conclusion that I can come to is....we are all different!

I'd want to try both first...each for a week or so to see how I felt. I'm curious about insects if crunchy. Lentils and some beans in particular make me...uncomfortable. 

I know I feel best on animal protein...chicken, fish, seafood, lamb, pork, a bit of beef. Oh, and dairy and eggs.

A lot of research is required before switching to a vegetarian, and even more so, vegan diet in order to really eat healthily for your body. Just eating plants won't work.

Plant based for me, but a I'd prefer it unprocessed. The highly processed plant proteins are as bad for us as processed meat. 

I'd pick pulses, lentils, chickpeas and others.


These are foods I am familiar with, as opposed to the lifeforms one keeps well away from one's food.

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