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Eye Crossword 786

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maggieriorda | 14:35 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

3d. need scoop desperately?  Here's  a means of invading privacy (9)

6d Kamala-Trump ends wth lap dancing - shock (5)

9d US haircut given by doctor an aggressive sort (6)

20d miserable cameron on being replaced by a *** "Grim" (7)

15d Number two's prompted by its relaxation (9)

11a incredible supple pensioners initially missing a beat (5)

27ac being comparatively sexy not hard to be a fish eater (5)

29ac no longer decline an order to twerk (6, 3)


I can't do these - grateful for your help



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3 Endoscope, anagram

6 Appal, shock - anagram of Lap and the A from the end of Kamala and the the  P at the end of Trump.

11 Pulse, beat - drop a P from supple ('pensioner's initially missing').

27 Otter, a fish eater - from Hotter, comparatively sext, with the H, not hard, dropped.

9 Mohawk - MO and Hawk.

20 Macabre, grim 

Question Author

I'm getting there - just need 9 down 15 down 20 down and 26 down now

29 Bottom out, no longer decline - and what you do when you twerk.

15 Sphincter, the muscle...

I think you've got all the ones listed. There's no 26 on your list?

Question Author

Thanks - I just need 24 down bloody transporter having a  ball before highway mishap (5)

and 26 down good omen sacked proprietor (5)

26 Gnome, proprietor (of Private Eye!). G, good and Omen, anagrammed.

24 Aorta, blood transporter (round the body) A O, round and RTA, road traffic accident.

Sorry, the O in 24 is 'ball', rather than 'round'.

Question Author

Thank you! Thank you! "Neveracrossword" - you are a star!  All done.

Maggie, thanks  - and glad I could help.I did the puzzle last week, so only needed to use my memory today!

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Eye Crossword 786

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