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Sweet . . .

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Buenchico | 20:05 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

. . . although I wouldn't want to argue with its dad!



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My part of the world, I'll keep a watchful eye!

Are they the birds where the female is larger and more aggressive than the males?

No, wolf, that's Sandra and Tracey.

Question Author

^^^ I'd generally associate those characteristics with birds of prey, Wolfie:

As my link shows, it's the male birds who care for their young among cassowaries.  So I think it would be particularly unwise to approach a cassowary chick when Dad's around!

Yet another Aussie hazard - is there no end ? πŸ˜        

So cute πŸ˜Š

I wish I was a cassowary
On the plains of Timbuktu
I would eat a missionary
Skin and bones and hymnbuktu.


Nope !!

jno at 00.51

The version I know ends

...Cassock, prayer book, hymnbuktu

//Yet another Aussie hazard - is there no end ? πŸ˜//

Nope, be afraid, very afraidπŸ™„

We're coming to get ya !!

I looked and thought baby velociraptor

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Do you know the answer?

Sweet . . .

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