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Mcdonald's Or Cooked Breakfast?

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abbeylee90 | 10:52 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
24 Answers

Only a treat today just unsure.


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Whatever you prefer and can afford.

Be a devil and make a decision.

Toss a coin, or make the decision yourself. 

Aren't McDonald's breakfasts cooked ?

I think the health & safety authorities should be told.

Ooooh, and what top are you going to wear to go to McDonald's?

Something sexy I hope, you never know who you might meet there.

It'll be lunchtime soon.  Maybe something else?

Slashed neckline - easier to wipe the dropped ketchup off

There's no call for catty remarks.

Am guessing you meant Mc Donald's or a full English?

Mcdonld's breakfast ends at 11.

I'd go for a fry up over a Macdonalds burger every time. 

BOTH! why starve yourself...

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No sorry for lunch cafe by me does all day breakfast or I mean mcdonalds main menu 

dammit, now i want a cooked breakfast!

If these are the toughest decisions you have to make in life, consider yourself lucky that you don't have to live in the real world. 


And now you have curly fries with that.

Me too bednobs lol!

Surely only you can know ......... 😋

Full English, after all that food you will be! That's if yr English.

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It's shut 😔

Aren't you working today?  Where did you eat?  What did you wear?  Was your hair curly or straight? 

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