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Pork Belly Slices

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Vagus | 15:47 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
31 Answers

With carrot and potato crush, cauliflower, homemade apple sauce and gravy.
Have to get a handle on the air fryer again as we've been away and I've not used it for a couple of weeks. I'm thinking 180o for 25 minutes, turning them half way for the pork...whadyathink??



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And pork spare ribs and chicken wings !

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I love pork ribs though I've not had them in years, used to pressure cook them, don't even have a pressure cooker now. But chicken wings, no, not worth the bother, don't understand why anyone buys them.

We still use the pressure cookers a lot. Great for boiled bacon, brisket and stews

God knows where flor came from. It should have read flor De Gallo. A salsa of tomatoes, garlic, onion, chili, coriander and lime juice.

flor de gallo? 

I typed flor.

flor de Gallo?

Try again.  I typed P*c* de G. Must be something wrong with this silly website.

I typed flor(lo) too

It's a unit of measurement amongst other things. Not an offensive word in English, nor an offensive slang word.

I have a very distant memory that p*c* and Elite were methods of typing. 

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Pork Belly Slices

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