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Trump/Ukraine, What Will He Do?

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Khandro | 16:37 Sat 16th Nov 2024 | News
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German media asks H.R. McMaster for a guess. I find this interesting, do you?



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Using military strength to stop Putin is a good start, but for a longer-lasting peace in Ukraine, the restoration of good fellowship is more important. 

Trump will force Zelensky to cede land

( the fought over bits are flat and bombed out so there are few there - - empty)

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bookbinder //the restoration of good fellowship is more important. //

Do you think 'good fellowship' is possible; or even desirable with Putin, the complete psychopath? He's a bully and like most bullies, he's a coward, and cowards usually back down when stood up against.

I think Trump has a very clear assessment of him - judging character is something he excels at. 

I think Trump has a very clear assessment of him - judging character is something he excels at. 

Trump associates with call-girls for chrissakes

Maybe you could expand on your thoughts, Khandro, on the perceptive skills of the Toucher In Chief.

No one knows for sure because he won't say what his plan is. But his reticence to clarify gives many a concern he won't support a return of all Ukrainian land.

Without that the conflict won't stop, but will be harder for Ukrainian freedom fighters. But demanding the invaded land is returned will ensure Putin refuses; that is until he is replaced by his party and other powerful Russian individuals.

That could take a while though given the present restriction on Ukraine's use of donated weaponry. While Ukraine fights with one hand tied behind it's back, Russia has less incentive to do the right thing.

Before the second world war, there were plenty of UK toffs and newspapers who were nice to Hitler and said, 'Whatever he says, judge him by his actions' and 'He'll never invade Poland' and 'He's doing alright for the German economy' and 'I think he's cool and charismatic - love his blue eyes'.

Same types are now fawning over Trump.


"Same types are now fawning over Trump."


Hi, what are the types and what are they saying?

The types who admire strong men and who are supporting Trump in his attempt to be a dictator.

Ok, but who are you talking about?

I'm talking about Trump. He's happy to be a mate with any available dictator and admires them more than he admires the 'losers' who voted for him. If he could choose between helping 'losers' in the USA and strong men anywhere else he would go for the strong men, as long as he felt clever enough to do a deal with them.

So absloutely no idea then ??

Only the idea I just set out above.

So just losers and any available dictators? Any one who voted for him is a loser?


Sorry, just interested in your way of thinking.

'Loser' is an oft-repeated term that Trump relishes. Do you perhaps think that Trump has respect for anyone but himself?

// your way of thinking.//

That is not thinking. It is emotion governed tantrums and angst laid bare for all to pity. 

Yes i do, but you are going off subject. Did only losers and dicatators only vote for Mr Trump or are you spreading hysterical lies?

Togo; Who are you addressing? I don't think I used the phrase "Your way of thinking".

@20:55 Sat 16th Nov 2024


It is bizarre and infecting our children with this fake nonsense.


Pegasus. I don't think that losers and dictators voted for Trump, I just think that Trump regards dictators as worth listening to and admiring, and everyone else but himself as a 'loser'.

Just my opinion. I am not trying to spread hysterical lies.

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