Olive oil or extra virgin oil? in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Olive oil or extra virgin oil?

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Aggi | 15:53 Sun 22nd Jan 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

When you read recipes and they tell you to use olive oil should you use extra virgin olive oil or just olive oil?I'm confused



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I use ordinary olive oil for cooking and extra virgin for dressings and dipping.
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Thanks reddoggy

It doesn't matter.

As Extra Virgin is more expensive and has better flavour it is usual to use it where its flavour will show, but I can't be bothered to have two olive oil jars and use EVOO for everything.

Well that depends on what you want to achieve, extra virgin oil is (or should be) pure olive oil as extracted with an acidity of less than 0.8% , normal olive oil is the ''leftover oil'' refined (chemically treated) with some virgin oil added for taste and often contains some other cheaper oils to make up the bulk and keep the cost down. In other words use extra virgin olive oil for food and normal olive oil for your bike chain.
It depends upon the need for consumption. We can't heat the extra virgin olive oil as it is preferred for dipping and as usual consumption.

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Olive oil or extra virgin oil?

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