Mim Glad things are going ok 4 u, no need to rush into the cooking lark, master / practice a bit at a time, you're bound to have accidents/disasters/hiccups [usually when you've invited someone round] - I'd cooked a wonderful meal for New Year, fillet steak that cost a fortune and all the works. Turned my back to open the vino & darling dog swiped the steak [mine of course!] For cook books try either Delia's cookery course [paperback version is a lifesaver] Readers Digest Cookery Year [good for the basics] and even Jamie O's books are good [not cheap though]. There's also some ace recipes in the cheapo �1.99 books that woolies & asda sell snag is they only cover a topic eg fish, pasta etc. Talking of pasta my first disaster when learning to cook was to soak the pasta [like you do to rice! doh!] it went into a congealed mass of sludge. Above all take your time and enjoy it - it's meant to be fun Good luck