Well, you'll find that every cook will have their own recipe for yorkshire pud........its finding one that suits you, and gives you the results you want....
However, this is the one I use:
4 ozs flour
2 eggs
pinch of salt
10fl oz / 1/2 pint milk
plain flour is in the original recipe of the batter, but you can use self-raising (watch them take off) and if you have any batter over for the following day, make yourself a pancake or two and watch them balloon up!!
Some use half milk and half water - as I have skimmed milk I use 1/2 pt milk - if using semi-skimmed then 8fl oz milk 2fl oz water.
Make batter at least an hour before cooking and let it stand.
(any batter over put in fridge - but use the following day - it will/might look a little off colour but just give a good stir and use for either another pud or pancake(s).
If doing a Toad, cook sausages first (not too much but nicely browned - because they will cook further in your hot oven).
Have oven on very high, use your lovely beef dripping in the appropriate tin and heat in oven. Transfer to the hob to get it smoking, add banger (if using) and pour in your batter, which will start to set already! Slam back in the oven on top shelf, and watch them grow......If you notice one side puffing up, quickly turn the tray/tin around, and when you see the whole pudding(s) raised reduce oven temp a few degrees (about 190-200*C). The little darlings will be ready when they are an all over golden brown - they will not be spoilt if you prefer them cooked a little longer...
Don't forget some nice meat gravy to go with them, along with whatever is your preference -
mash potato/roasties/wedges
Like anything, its trial and error, and the more you practice the more adept you will be.........