Good book that! Luckily my eldest aged 4 won't eat junk either (not that he's allowed). At preschool parents give sweets in for the children at birthdays. Despite my argument that such things (like smarties, which i also disapprove of for being made by nestle) are inappropriate for children aged 2-4 they still give them to ds. He says "no thank you" though! I am very proud! His teacher has commented on how laid back and non aggressive ds is compared to the other boys, I suggested it could be to do with the good food he eats!
Sunday we had a birthday party and i expected some complaints over the lack or rubbish food, but i was pleasantly surprised, the selection of crudites, grapes, pasta etc went down very well. You might be interested in The Parent's Jury
and the book - The Food Our Children Eat by Joanna Blythman.
I think some serious educating of parents regarding nutrition needs undertaking. I have been astounded by witnessing a baby drinking coke from a baby bottle not just once but in 5 different cases! No wonder there are so many children with behavioural problem and obesity. I also think adverts for junk food should be banned during children's programming. I could go on for ages, the state children's diets these days really winds me up. It's like we give the old cr** to the kids and save the nice food for ourselves!