Tesco don't run their in store cafes themselves anymore. They are all franchised, so the staff are not employed by Tesco. This means they don't go through the Tesco customer care training, so if they are surly, unhelpful or rude there is only the restaurant supervisor you can complain to. As this supervisor probably has a budget that wouldn't buy a weeks worth of shopping for an average family, usually relies on unskilled, untrained staff, normally gets the staff either straight from school, or the local immigration office, and probably can't speak the languages required to communicate effectvely with them it's little wonder that the standards have dropped. The fault is squarely with Tesco. They want maximum return from the cafe with minimum effort, therefore franchising them then squeezing the absolute maximum by way of rent from the franchisee, along with restrictive supplier controls to ensure consistency of product (e.g. by from Tesco suppliers or give the franchise up) is te way they operate