Just lately we have had the good fortune to have regular daily visits from three male and three female pheasants. Sometimes all in a crowd and sometimes individually. One particular femal comes to the garden about once a day and instead of hoovering up the seed that we leave for them, she ges onto the lawn and eats the daisies. She seems to find them very appetising and has a good feed of flowers before she goes. None of the others seem to share her taste and she does not seem to do it when in their company although it may be that we just have not seen her do it. Has anybody else seen this? Is it typical?? rutineli
Hi, My garden backs on to open fields and I regularly get three Red Legged Partridge and a Male Pheasant feeding on my garden even to the point of tapping on my Patio window. No one believed me until I capyured their antics on my camcorder, now no one can doubt me. I have encouraged them into my garden by putting down wild bird seed, even in front of my patio window. I now use the picture of the male pheasant as my windows desktop