Hi W - glad to help - for the artichokes, have a go at your local deli - Valvona & Crolla in Edinburgh for example source their veg from Milan on a regular basis and they always have the most glorious full flavouired produce - un-waxed,juicy lemons, 12" long red peppers, 'proper' tomatoes, and sorry, artichokes.......
V & C have an online shop - they offer a veg and fruit box rather than individual produce, but you should find a local store with much the same concept. A good farm shop might also be a good bet - Big Barn is the site to locate one near you if not familiar with all your outlets.
Unless your KR is water proof, I doubt you'll have much success this year despite the fact hey like to have water to swell the 'bulb'. Have you tried growing them 'indoors' in a cold frame? Buch of info at :
http://www.nvsuk.org.uk/index.php for the site for the National Veg Society - search the produce and theres a whole load of info for you - should keep you busy for a while....
Ta for now..