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georgit79 | 17:51 Wed 18th Aug 2004 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
Whatever happened to Frisps? Especially the salt and vinegar ones...they were nice!


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i live in glasgow and we still get them!! Granted ive only ever seen them at ice cream vans - but i do still send the kids out on occasion to pick me up a packet. Im much more of a cheese and onion fan though! They're not just a crisp, they're a frisp!
I hadn't seen them for ages, but saw a multipack of twelve, from Poundland today.
Question Author
Thanks! Right, I'm going to Poundland! Has anyone seen them anywhere else?
Frisps were gorgeous!! I use to get them out of the vending machine at school! Sorry, this isn't really a helpful answer but I would love to know the answer too!
I still get frisps where I am, in fact I bought a bag of 12 for �1 on Saturday because they were on offer in a shop called Sweet Surrender (a bit like Poundland but only sells sweets, cakes and crisps :D).
Hey you can buy an assorted pack online!!
Question Author
Thanks Casey! Ooh I've got a dilemma sad is it to buy crisps over the internet?!
not sad at all georgit79 cos they are FRISPS!
i bought some for the kids from Tesco last week.
I bought a packet of 12 today from a poundstore.mmmmmm.

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