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hangingbrain | 17:37 Sat 25th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
so had a date last night with this broad and everything went well and she was wild in the sack. however i invited her around tonight and she drank loads of vodka, got really drunk, started crying about her ex and was really bad in the sack. I thought if I buy vodka it would be the same as last night. oh well im finishing the vodka now while she sleeps it off. maybe we can get it on again in the morning when we are both sober. anyone got any similar stories?


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nope sorry to break it to ya matey...................when i shoot..................i always score! nudge nudge,wink,wink!
She was probably wanting bigger hands
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Stupid question

Stupid topic

Stupid username

In fact - totally supid
what are you doing in a sack ??????
Lets fire at will then
sir.prize u cannnot spell nor are u funny
i`ve been off this site since may this year and it seems all the twa***ts are still around but just with sir.prizesir.prize names
go away
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hangingbrain i love your name. better than sir prize whos clearly a pervert
Just woken up.

hangingbrain, that's really mean.

I don't mind you referring to me as a "broad" but do you have to tell them all that I'm "really bad in the sack".

Look, gimme some more of that vodka, and I'll try harder tonight.

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Who yanked velvet pervs chain then?
lol @ knob ...another mad sat night on here ..
a cold windy day did
Question Author
knobby 7th march. will it be a big party?
velvet - - - thank you for your response.

I notice you have been away since May - perhaps you need to stay away longer.

A gentle reminder -

. . . users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity. We encourage lively debate but name calling, harassment or abuse will not be tolerated.

You appear somewhat disillusioned by calling yourself a lady.
Question Author
sir.prize but the only person you are nice to is the ed.
And may I ask hangingbrain - as a newcomer how do you know that?
So velvet lady you claim to have been on this site from may this year.

Wrong on to acounts the first one being is that you could not leave a gap in your name then you would have had to registar as velvet.lady or velvet-lady and not velvet lady.

Numero two.

velvet lady
Tue 23/10/07

a very large penis

Busted methinks.
Now come clean whiffey as the evidence is overwhelming

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