Are you fond of the smell of freshly baked bread? Freshly mown grass? Or perhaps a certain perfume/aftershave brings back memories for you....
I love the smell of my herb garden (coriander, Greek basil, thyme and mint). And I love the smell of night-scented stocks, but I can't stand the smell of lavender.
Me too Everton - weird that, isn't. Especially under the bedclothes at night. But I have grown out of the filthy habit of wafting the sheets for one's partner to savour the aroma also..... they never do !!
Oh, sorry - I forgot myself for a moment there - I thought I was a man........
Sandalwood soap.
Newly mown grass.
The sea air.
The clean air after a good thunderstorm.
Old Spice - reminds me of my dad.
Calvin Klein Eternity - reminds me of my ex.
Fresh herbs.
My own bellybutton fluff (but no-one elses; yuck).
Well, many years ago gastric ulcers were treated by removal of part of the stomach (Gastrectomy) and after the stomach was clamped, cutting diathermy was used to divide the clamped segments. There was smoke emiited as the diathermy set to work and the smell of the smoke was divine.
I shall leave you to NoMercy's mercy sqad - cos I'm busy being a Flirty Gertie with Darren on the tipping thread. (I'm not being disloyal - I've read you in action with other flirties on here.....)
To tip or not to tip....that is the question.
My answer is: the tip is very nice, but you can't beat having the whole thing.