We don't as a practice, grow Broad Beans here in the western U.S. I really don't know why, since they're easily grwon and quite tasty... adaptable to many reicpes. A similar legume, Fava Beans are grown by some neighbors down the road that are of Basque extraction (lots of them here). They do eat the really early, very tender whole bean, but mostly they are podded like a peas. Simply run your thumb down the bean pod and it should split open, saving, of course, the bean. One of their favorite recipes is Basque Fava Beans with Garlic and Sage:
3 lb Fava beans
3 tb Olive oil
3 tb Butter
2 Cloves garlic; minced
1 tb Chopped fresh sage
Boil or steam the beans until tender and then remove the outer skins. Drain. Heat the oil and butter in a large skillet. Add the garlic and sage and stir over medium heat until the garlic is tender. Add the fava beans and stir to coat. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and serve hot.
If you don't have 3 pounds Broad beans reduce the recipe accordingly... Ikusi arte! in Euskara ..