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haliburton | 04:36 Fri 19th Apr 2002 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
are lemons bad for you


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i dont know if there bad for u or not but i'm a boxer and i'm told to eat a whole lemon (not the skin!) before i go to bed a night before my bout, the lemon is soppose to make u loose a little bit of weight,say a kg or so.
yeah, they're real bad for you, they cause lemonomas of the stomach, a very common disease in the Southern Swaziland area, where lemons constitute a large part of the diet
Lemons are a good source of vitamin C and are consequently very good for you. Eating tooo many of them could give you indigestion, or be a bit rough if you already had a stomach ulcer, but as they taste good, are nutritious, and the acidity helps stop you feeling hungry they are generally to be praised not damned
Lemons do NOT cause weightloss, [and neither do steroids, which cause brainloss,seemingly]. Rather, a lemon gives you a healthy dose of natural vitamin C, etc. What a lemon or other acid can do at night is eat away at your teeth so brush carefully, and keep your guard up.

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