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what should i cook today for tea

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suzie1 | 17:10 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
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I'm not being nasty poodi...just stating a fact. I did see the double posting and I also read what you sent to postdog. You came across as unhinged...

I'll have one for you Salla :-)))))
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what did you see
Oh jeeze Poodi, let it go eh?

No know's obviously on one and will bug the crap out of you about this. It's done, dusted, the Ed's confirmed you're not a troll, be content and smug in that one, let no know ramble on- ya know it keeps him happy.
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rofl suzie I'd forgotten all about that............I did indeed make an unkind comment about your weight..............
Yep boo the man and is followers are truly laughable!
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To be brutally honest No Know, i couldn't care less whether Poodi is one or not. I'm not the one twisting myself up in knots trying to prove she is, am i? All i'm saying is that yes it did look suspect what was posted that night, but certainly nothing to get yourself het up about as you have been ever since that episode.

The Ed waded in and told you to let it go- really think it would be wise if you did.
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An apology? For what?
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has this thread opened a can of very wiggly worms? do i get an apology then craft, i might like you then ;-)
No :-)
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suit yourself then, i kinda like you
No know- im not sure what you're talking about now? Honestly, i've no idea about abuse regarding your family from anyone?
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what shall i cook for tea tomorow?
Roast leg of lamb....that's what he's cooking me :-)

BOO...Poodi does get abusive. She's insulted me a few times. Then comes on the next day like she's been an angel.

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