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what should i cook today for tea

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suzie1 | 17:10 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
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ummm admit i have been nasty for that i am sorry but not for a while you must admit
Think we've all had moments on here when we've been nastier than we normally are? I know i have my times on here when im an utter cow, and ive seen you in action too ummmm ;-)

I'm not making escuses for poodi, really i'm not, i just find no know's hounding her about 'that episode' distasteful.
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Yes I do admit....not for quite a while.
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it was a coincidence, NOW DROP IT!!!!!U childish ba*stards
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no knowledge i am not a troll i dont know how the so called troll did it,not a techical person,but as i said speak to the management of this site they will inform you otherwise!
I'm not asking you to believe anything no know. I just think that no one's ever gonna get to the bottom of it, and seeing as Ed's told you (not requested, told) you to let it go, i think it'd be a good idea to do so.
Very endearing suzie......
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Can repeat it all you like no know, what would you like me to say exactly? Yeah poodi got one in before you on this post- so? Are we point scoring now? What are the rules of this game? She sniped at me 1st so im entitled to hound her for an hour about something which happened months ago?
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u come on my thread and just take over, no respect for me have you!!!!!i liked you lot!!!! this was my thread and only MINE! and i wanted answers for my tea, not a full on debate about something i dont even KNOW about!!!! i hate u! i hate u! i hate u!
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I answered....I said roast leg of lamb.
come on guys surely you have better things to be doing on a saturday night than arguins and bringing up things that have been said in the past
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Oh my God - this is like listening in on a playground spat.

Too bl00dy late for tea now - better start thinking of supper. I've just had a crumpet.
Suzie,cant find your make up thread,but when I did make up for Lets Face It I used this:
best bit of crumpet I've had in a long time...

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