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what a plonker

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mollykins | 15:07 Mon 17th May 2010 | Food & Drink
73 Answers
my neice who we've only met today is coming for tea, but dad didn't check if she had any dietry requirments. So what did he do, he bought a £30 piece of beef and now has found out she can't digest it, so has had to by chicken aswell.

Have any of done that before?


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i did have lunch money today, because i'm going to cadets and not eating with the, but i will see my niece. Fristly i thought i was going to have to have beef, so i had a school dinner and i wouldn't fit around the table, with everyone else, well i could i but i didn't want to because that would mean having a roast dinner and missing a piping test at cadets.
Redman41...I think as you keep using my posts as an example have you got the hots for me? I'd be very flattered if you had...
Spam and hot custard, followed by a selection of cheese and biscuits........and a side order of spam.

All washed down by yogi's special recipe spam cider......(which is basically a piece of spam thrown in a glass of chilled Magmers :0) )
mercia, I have definitely got the hots for your food as you always make me feel peckish. If you post your Pic on here via your Avatar I'm sure I would have the hots for you as well ! Ha Ha
Redman.......Get in there my son!........Mercia's got the hots.
I remember someone typing this earlier:
It's "niece"..........."dietary requirements".....? after "do"....and buy....(not by)'re 16 remember, Molly, not 8

oh and................

Have any of done that before?

"you" went to the bathroom for a minute :0)

Need to revise more, young lady

However I've just seen the same person spell Magners wrong. That technically classes as a fail
LMAO @ Yogi :D
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But I was in a rush to finish typing, before I forgot what I was doing.
LOL...Bob......the M's near the N ...and my finger slipped..........really!

( waits to see if he got away with it.....tee hee )......

oh, and i needed a pee ( better known as a numero uno ) :0)
Yogi, you're hilarious :)
So, Molly, You're 16 and your niece is married? I'm been slow..How is that?I'm just confused sorry
Ease up on your dad, easy mistake to make
Nope Yogi, still a fail lol

I luve it when speeling Nazi's make mistakes :D
Molly. Are you real,or is it me having a bad day.
Yogi's not predicted to pass 11 GCSE at A* any time soon though.
I'm just teasing you Yog's, love ya really dude
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neither am I umm, i'm doing the tests for 10 this summer and predicted a* - b on them and did ict in year nine and got the equivilent of a c.

My dad is 61, my neice's dad is 39 my niece is 24, the numbers may not quite add up, as we've worked out that my niece was concieved whilst her mum and my brother were on holiday, when my brother was 15 - and yes he did get in trouble when we worked out the numbers.
LOL.......depends what the subjects are, ummmm.......if it''s "how to woo a minx and score bigtime"...then i'll do ok :0) x

Thanks suezy, i gotta hairyarse too x

Bob, you're a hard man, mate.....or at least i hope you are for NoM's pressure and dont think of Dot Cotton....ok? :0)

Molly, you continue to baffle me...........but i like you. :0)
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What's so baffling?

Also my mum (my brothers' and sister's step-mum) isn't old enough to be their mum, there is a smaller gap between my oldest brother (come to think of it, both brothers and sister) and her, than her and my dad!!!!!!!!
How old is your mum molly ?
dont worry I got the adoption papers today molly

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