my neice who we've only met today is coming for tea, but dad didn't check if she had any dietry requirments. So what did he do, he bought a £30 piece of beef and now has found out she can't digest it, so has had to by chicken aswell.
49, so there's a 12 year gap between her and my dad and between 8 and 11 (either nearl 10 or nearly 12, i get confused because of when their birthdays are) between her and my sister.
And between my mum and dad is nearly 13 years, because of when their birthdays are !
Yay, do you live in a ncie little scenic village near the seaside, that's where i want to live (and kind of where i do live, but being able to see the sea would be nice)
i'm not having chicken, i'll have cheese on toast, i'm goign to cadets as i can't be bothered to miss a test at cadets, squeeze round the table and eat a roast dinner, i'll still be able to meet my niece.
hang on, this is first time youve met your niece (you even asked how to greet her, hug or not the other day) and now you cant be bothered to miss cadets.