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joggerjayne | 16:53 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
The best tinned tomatoes are, of course, Napolina.

Costco had the today at £5.49 for 12 cans ... that's less than 46p each.

That's very good value, isn't it.


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Jolly excellent JJ.
I am so glad someone finally had the bottle to start a thread on tinned tomatoes. It is not something everyone dare do.
bleh, I really hate tinned tomatoes, its lucky tomatoes are on my banned list.
are you trying to make me heave?
Yep - Napolina are the ones - there's no room for compromise on the tinned toms.

Am I alone in loving tinned tomatoes, but hating fresh ones?
I love Costco, some great bargains and the meat and fish are really good quality. Some great booze bargain as well.
i can eat fresh but cooked makes me ill!
No Andy, my Mum loves tinned tomatoes but If I gave her a fresh one, she would throw it at me.
Baked Tomatoes! Where will it end?
pmsl at jj making out she buys tinned tomatoes, which might imply she actually cooks...
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Yes, Costco is fab ...

Although you do have to buy loo rolls in packs of 48 ...

... which lasts a while when you live on your own !
lol snags
Ive never been to costco, is it like a supermarket?
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snags ...

I do cook.

I just don't claim to be Nigella, or Delia.
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Love tomatoes, fresh or tinned. Nothing wrong with Lidl's tinned tomatoes.
try their venison fillet jj, it's excellent (should be back in stock next month)
Sorry jj... what do recipe do you use these tinned tomatoes in then?
Yum yum !

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