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pork roasting joint

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donna1901 | 11:44 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
hey all! how do you get the pork really really soft?
I put mine on high roughly 200 for half hour and then down to 170ish for two hours.
I have always wondered how the shops who serve pork and stuffing sandwichs get it so so soft?xx


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I don't know about shops, but if you follow recipes for cooking goat they work quite well for pork ie use lots of liquid and cook very slowly.
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lots of liquids? x
Do it in a slow cooker. You needn't add any liquid except a splash of olive oil. Season well,and cook on High for 1 hour. Reduce to Medium,and cook for a further 8 hours or so. I do this with the largest whole chickens I can get-and they are amazingly moist. For chicken I add not only the olive oil,but the juice of 1 lemon also.
i cook mine on high for half an hour too, but then turn it down as low as i dare for as long as possible.
this weekend it was a 4lb piece and it took about three and a half hours on about 140 ♥
Talking about cooking pork - I put 2 large pork chops in the oven to roast, (I'm still not sore about this bl00dy electric oven) anyway I put 'em on 140c thought I'd leave them an hour but forgot them, 2 hours later they were burnt offerings. But my H ate them, said they were a bit chewy but tasty.The crackling was good.
I'd put a pork joint in on gas no/3 for 3 + half hours, then turn up to 8 for 20 mins to finish to make that crackling crackle. (rub salt in it before putting in oven).


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