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Vegetarian suggestions please

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bednobs | 19:38 Sun 17th Oct 2010 | Food & Drink
33 Answers
hi, i am having some friends round for dinner next week. Both strict veggies (no fish/meat) or stuff cooked with fish/meat Needs to be simple because i am still hobbly from the hip replacement so can't do much carrying/fetching ATM.
need two courses (starter + main)
suggestions please


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I would start with either a simple tomato,mozzarella and basil salad,or toasted bruschetta topped with finely chopped tomato mixed with olive oil,garlic and a hint of balsamic vinegar, I would have a risotto as the mains-either with roasted butternut squash and grilled red onions,or peas and baby broad beans.Or-baked stuffed pasta shells with a fresh...
20:45 Sun 17th Oct 2010
Following on from forget - you could always do fondue.
tomato soup
vegatable lasagne
jelly and custard

glad it's not me
oooh yer veggie lasange, with aubergines, mushrooms, corgettes etc. Mmmmmm. Dont know why but when I eat out I tend to go for veggie options. Maybe broccoli and e cheese pasta bake, thats quite easy
Wild Mushroom Risotto and serve with Tomato and Lentil Dhal. I have recipes in my Detox cookbook if you're interested.

I would start with grilled asparagus and Goat's cheese. Nice, simple and very tasty.
hi poodi, who are these people? Marjorie was brought up by vegetarian parents, she was sickly, weak and prone to every complaint doing the rounds until she joined my staff and became my maid, that was a long time ago. She willingly joined us and relished a regular diet of beef, chicken, game, lamb and pork. Within 3 months she was a different woman, healthy, alert, full of energy and running the household so efficiently, like it had never been run before. That was some years ago. She is now my companion, only two years separate us in age, but nothing could separate us now. We live life to the full insomuch as we desire, a daily trip into Bakewell, lunch in Byways, and a stroll by the river watching the trout swim by. A weekly trip up to the Chatsworth Farm Shop for their wonderful lamb.....Prudentia....xxxx
I would start with either a simple tomato,mozzarella and basil salad,or toasted bruschetta topped with finely chopped tomato mixed with olive oil,garlic and a hint of balsamic vinegar, I would have a risotto as the mains-either with roasted butternut squash and grilled red onions,or peas and baby broad beans.Or-baked stuffed pasta shells with a fresh tomato sauce.
Just go to a veggie place to eat , much easier option , and if they don't
like it it's not your problem .
I bought some lovely Moroccan Chickpea Paté in Tesco last Friday, really nice with toast for a starter.
I would go with Pasta's starter. You could do something similar but stack it and bake it until the cheese starts to melt.

Mixed bean chilli....
My niece is a vegetarian and I sometimes make her a Shepherdess Pie - it's like a shepherd's pie but instead of meat there are leeks/courgette/carrot/garlic/mushrooms/red lentils/green lentils/tinned tomatoes/baked beans/brown sauce and various herbs. Potatoes go on top plus vegetarian cheese. Best thing is you can cook the base and potatoes in advance, assemble it and pop it in the oven to brown shortly before eating.
with friends like yours i would tell them to feck off and go to the nearest chippie
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i think i will go with PF's answer - tom mozz and basil salad followed by mushroom rissotto
Why are people like tanny so ..errmmm....abrasive about vegetarians?...I can never understand comments like that......and no-I'm not a veggie.

sorry for rant-but it bothers me sometimes.

Let us know how things turn out,bednobs.

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