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Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer

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joggerjayne | 19:03 Tue 07th Dec 2010 | Food & Drink
62 Answers
(only for grown ups) !

OMG ... it is SOO scrummy !!

... and warming in the Winter, even from the fridge.

I'm just LOVING it !!!!

If you haven't tried it yet ... you simply MUST.


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Here you are JJ, there's a competition on their website
Ah, it's 4% proof, not bad at all!
speaking of bourbon, have you ever tried The Makers Mark? Tastes alright when you're drinking it but its really bottled headache in disguise
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Oh, poop ... the competition has closed.


A free nose bag at Benares would've been jolly.
Poop from me too then, they should have taken it off the site!
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No, I haven't tried that one, Paddy.

TBH, I'm not really a Bourbon drinker - or any whisk(e)y, really - but I keep a decent selection in the flat for when WAM pals come round with their husbands and BFs.
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We could still go, Boxy.

Lunch at Benares ... now that WOULD be jolly!

(on a Friday, obviously)

Jayne, just realised, you're talking about ginger beer, when I suggested dropping a whisk(e)y in it I was thinking about green ginger wine and that classic winter drink the Whisk(e)y Mac
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Aah, yes, Paddi.

This is the new (to us down here) Alcoholic Ginger Beer.

It's totally delish.
if jayne carries on knocking back the Crabbies, she will be carried out of here....
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Ya, that's a poss, DTC.

Happily, if I can crawl across the Hall ... then I'm safe.

(actually, I'd hope I would be "safe" right here, but waking up on the sofa is a bit uncomfy).
Aw Dris, what about Yuleade Ginger Wine concentrate from the co-op? I used to drink that by the gallon - now if I could find a way to make an alcoholic version...... :)
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Yuleade Ginger Wine ???
Can you still get that Karen? Mum used to make loads of it and we'd have it all through the winter.
Just visited my brewers supplies site Karen and if you're interested you'll get some here
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Is a karen mac like a whisky mac ?
If it is, it is certain to be excellant company on a cold winters night
probably - gin and ginger ale perhaps makes a Karen Mac 1.5 oz of good Plymouth Gin and 1 oz of ginger ale....
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Gin and Ginger Ale ?

Is that now a Karen Mac ?
joggerjayne - I think you should have a good spanking!! (May I?)

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Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer

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