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I really really don't like vodka!

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Jan1957 | 01:32 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Went to a party last night and drank way too much vodka and now can't face any more. I know this will probably change by tomorrow but felt so bad today and had to get up and finish a quiz and go out and run it tonight. When I walked in the landlord gave me a free vodka! I nearly threw up and had to resort to drinking wine all night. Well it is free on quiz nights (only to me of course), so I had to drink something.


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Decisions, decisions!
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I know Mike. It's a hard life but someone's got to do it.
Wow ! ..what a dilemma - maybe try some different mixers.
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Think you could be right there AP. The diet lemonade is getting boring. Maybe a bloody mary next time will help.
I know. The trouble I go to just to keep the National Exchequer topped up. Don't get any thanks, neither.
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The sacrifices we make ay mike. We deserve a medal.
Vodka (in my experience) goes well with the following:
Red Bull, Ribena, Vimto, Tropicana (ie real - not from concentrate) orange juice, various liqueurs: eg. Kahlua, Malibu, Baileys.
Add ice as needed :-)
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Thanks for the ideas AP. Have been getting bored and wanted to try something else. I do like vodka and grapefruit juice or pineapple but it's bloody expensive in the pub.
Ok then, may I suggest whisky and ginger ale, possibly gin and tonic, rum and coke, white rum and pineapple juice.
Night night now (I have to get up tomorrow) x
Vodka will do that too the best of yes. well done to you for getting up and doing something though, i can never move after a night with that stuff. dont do it anymore, always ends in tears!

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I really really don't like vodka!

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