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zzxxee | 12:22 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | Food & Drink
45 Answers
the best kind of cheese is ????????????????


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I knew that ^^^ lol
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Are you thinking of Feta, Pixi?
I think the one you're thinking of is feta Pixi. Haloumi isn't a crumbly cheese. It has a bit of squeekiness when you chew it.
Hi zzxxee. I tried goats' cheese only last year, having seen Nigel Slater's supper recipe dish. Whilst the garlic was cooking, I also roasted some plum tomatoes in brown sugar, balsamic vinegar and seasoning, until the skins started to split. The meal was delicious - do consider giving it a go ☺
I liked 'sqeekiness' better.
... if I could spell it.
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all sounds good all these exotic cheeses will read through tommorow time to get ready for work bye for now x
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Cheese. Squeak. Mouse. Geddit?
Well now, I didn't know you could spell it with two L's
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Feta is creamy, crumbly and quite salty.
Forgot the extra L myself. The bits stuck to it is mint.
I've not had haloumi in makes me think of slightly rubbery
Speaking of which-I adore M&S baby buffalo mozzarella...these are like little clouds in the mouth-very light and fresh tasting.
I also love Stilton,VERY strong cheddars,and authentic feta.
Ah yes I forgot about these little mozzarella pearls. They're lovely in a salad and on homemade pizza.
I just eat them out of the manners,me


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