I have been given some honeycomb straight from the hive I love honey but dont no what to do with it any ideas pls I have been told I can just eat it but not to sure thanks Gypsy x
"You can eat comb honey just like a chewy candy. Because the honey in the comb is untouched and is deemed to be pure, honey presented in this form comes with a a relatively higher price tag."
Or put it in a dish until the honey runs out....that's me not the internet
The wax the bees use to make the comb is totally edible.
If you don't fancy it, just cut or scrape the caps of the comb and allow the honey to drain out overnight.
when I was on holiday in Turkey at breakfast they had honeycombs suspended above a plate, so that the honey drained on to the plate for people to use as they wanted. I had never seen that before.