Made fish and stilton lasagne, and it is a really tasty dish.
I used that mixed 'fish pie' from the tesco fish counter - pink, yellow and white fish bits, boneless, and the scruff end of the stilton that was lurking at the back of the fridge sniggering to itself.
Put a layer of fish bits in lasagne dish, cover with yogurt (I used fat-free) and crumble stilton over, plus black pepper. No salt needed as the cheese provides this. Add lasagne sheets, repeat order of play, and top with yogurt and cheese. I think some old cheddar bits got involved as well at this point.
Bake uncovered on gas 5 for as long as it takes for it to go brown and bubbly - about 45 mins max I'd say.
And this dish was actually even better cold, the next day. Enjoy!
Sounds good to me, not something I would have thought of doing but I love fish, cheese and lasagne so I'll give it a whirl. Thanks always ready to try something different.