Most people only use a very thin amount of marg or butter on bread before putting the filling in a sandwich. So why do they bother when surely the filling would over power the taste of it?
Depends on the filling. If it's something like a bacon sandwich then I think it needs butter. I've stopped using it with other fillings because like you said, it's pointless.
Butter or marg is supposed to make it easier to eat than dry bread, so if your filling is a dry one, then it's for ease of chewing and swallowing.
A wet filling doesn't need butter.
butter or marg was originally used to waterproof the bread so that the sandwich filling didn't make the bread go soggy, not to make the sandwich taste better.
I find that a very thin layer of marg helps the cheese and/or salad to stick inside the sandwich and not try to escape. Obviously, fillings like egg mayo have enough *stickiness* to keep them contained by themselves.
my Dad used to chill his butter so he could slice it and lay it on his bread...." it's not proper butter till you can see your teeth marks in it " . And I still have his Dripping bowl . He made a good age of 85 and was still climbing trees to work on them till he was 83. Bring on the saturated fats if thats what they do for you !!
Naomicorlett - please tell me you are from Leicester! I had a mate who swore blind by lard (not quite the same thing as butter, but hey) who sounds just like your dad.
Hasn't the term "margarine" been banned by the authorities. There was something about it on a recent edition of QI. Isn't what we used to know as margarine now having to be referred by another, generic, term?
No . Dad was in Airforce so we moved around. He was born in Lambeth ( London ) and was one of 10 children. Never lost his love of cheap nourishing food tho'. Nearly a year since he died I looked after him until the end at home as he had lived next to us for 15 years and still miss him every day.