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Who invented frozen food

A. The Chinese are thought to have invented the concept. In the 15th century, they began filling fishing boats with lumps of ice so fish would still be fresh when it was brought to land. The idea01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001

Which is the most calming herb

A. The essential oils in basil make it one of the most calming and mood-enhancing of all the culinary herbs. It is derived from India, travelled to the Middle East, and only arrived in Europe about01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

What are sour cherries

A. Sour cherries have an intense flavour, used mainly for cooking. Sour cherries are descended from the wild Prunus cerasus and can be divided into two categories: amerell, a light-coloured,01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

Where's the best place to buy fresh crab

A. Whole, live or dressed crab is relatively easy to come by these days. One of the most famous places to get crab is Billingsgate Fish Market in London's Docklands. Buyers must be prepared to get01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

What can I do with strawberries this summer

A. Strawberries make a great accompaniment to savoury foods and can also add zest to salads. They're great with spicy Mexican chicken, lettuce, tomatoes and tortilla chips, with a garlic dressing. 01:00 Mon 16th Jul 2001

Where does fondue come from

A. The fondue originated in the snow-covered mountain valleys and isolated villages and towns of Switzerland, where fresh food was scare and people had to rely on local food, produced by cheesemakers01:00 Sun 16th Sep 2001

What's the most expensive caviar

A. Beluga, the most famous caviar, sells for 3,987 per kilo, and Caviar House in London was recently selling Sevruga at 1,527 per kilo. Q. Where does it come from A. Caviar comes from the eggs01:00 Mon 16th Jul 2001

Where does Grolsch beer come from

A. It comes from a town, once called Grolle, now Groenlo, in the east of the Netherlands. The brewery was established by a Catholic family called De Groen. Q. Does it still have a swing-top A. 01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

What is couscous

A. Couscous is a fine, rolled, semolina-type grain made from ground wheat. It's a traditional North African food served with flatbreads or salad. Q. How do you make it A. For traditional01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

Is mutton back on supermarket shelves

A. Mutton is indeed making a comeback on Britain's supermarket shelves. It disappeared from our shelves about 15 years ago, but has been introduced recently to Tesco. Q. What exactly is mutton 01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

Which is the best wine guide to take to France

A. One of the most thorough guides for wine-lovers is the Hachette Wine Guide. It has been published in English for the first time (Cassell 19.99) and is so well researched British wine merchants01:00 Sun 01st Jul 2001

Why does my sponge cake always collapse

A. There are lots of reasons why a cake doesn't turn out quite right, but remember never to open the oven door until the cake is at least three-quarters way through cooking. Sending in a rush of cold01:00 Sun 01st Jul 2001

Why is bread becoming so expensive

A. The price of bread has risen by 20 per cent in the last few weeks and could get higher over the next few months. The cost of a large 800g Hovis wholemeal loaf has risen by 9p to 54p in many01:00 Sun 01st Jul 2001

Why does alcohol change my mood

A. Booze depresses the nervous system, which is why people lose their inhibitions, making them act out of character. However, alcohol can also depress people and too much shuts off part of the01:00 Mon 25th Jun 2001

Why do I spend twice as I much as I intended in supermarkets

A. According to new research, 80 per cent of decisions are made subconsciously as shoppers walk up and down the aisles. People who intended buying three or four items ended up purchasing twice that01:00 Mon 25th Jun 2001

Is absinthe still banned in France

A. The drink is officially banned in France, although consumption remains high. The high-strength drink - at least double the strength of most spirits - is supposed to engender hallucinations,01:00 Mon 25th Jun 2001

What foods should you avoid in pregnancy

A. There are a number of foods which experts recommend avoiding during pregnancy. Protect yourself against listeriosis by avoiding blue-veined, mould-ripened cheeses, pates, ready-made salads in01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

What's the best comfort food

A. Most people turn to stodgy carbohydrate-packed foods such as pasta, baked potato with lots of butter or toasted doorstep sandwiches when they are feeling down or in need of comfort. For others, it01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

Which vegetables are in season

A. Asparagus arrived in May and really comes into its own during June. This is also the best time to buy spinach, although you have to buy a lot to get a portion. There was a time when you could only01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

What is Calvados

A. It is the apple brandy of Normandy in France and it's very much the region's pride and joy. The first record of Calvados production was in 1533, although it probably started much earlier. Q. 01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

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