Can anyone tell me anything about skyrim for the PS3? Need to know what it's about and whether it is suitable for an 11 year old and if it is any good. Don't have any objection to fantasy gore, but not allowing games where it is shooting real people.
Its not that gory. Quite a complex game and will take a while to build up a charachter to a decent level. Nothing an 11 year old wont be able to get his head around.
What its about? Its a fantasy role playing game with an involved plot concerning the return of dragons. TBH I've put in about 115 hours and not really done much on the main story.
Maybe worth checking out gameplay videos on youtube to gauge the level of violence and what you feel suitable. Theres alot of hitting bad things with a sword/axe!
Booldawg, do you think the kind of choices you have to make in the game would be difficult for an 11yo? I don't mean hard to make, but maybe he wouldn't have a full understanding? Or do you think it would be instructive?
Thanks booldawg. He is a clever boy so I think it would be something that he could get into. He likes Manga stuff as well so is into Naruto games but I haven't allowed him any of the war type game. He has Lord of the Rings as I don't mind the gore as long as it isn't humans. Is it a series or can he just get the game he has asked for which is the the elder scrolls?
I guess its a bit like GTA. You can choose to mount the pavement and knock pedestrians over or you can abide by the highway code (even though this wont help you in missions)
The choices are pretty much menu driven giving you only 3 or 4 different options on varying moral plateaus!
lol might be interesting for him then booldawg - he's wanted to be a Judge since he was about 3!! he wanted to know who made the rules and the laws and my OH told him that it was Judges to try to save a complicated conversation about politics. He is very moral.....and he likes rules. He got very angry when he was 5 and I told him that school rule was that you ate your sandwich first when you had a packed lunch.........then one day I gave him a wrap and he came home furious. How was he supposed to eat his sandwiches first if he didn't have a sandwich!!!!!???? Thanks again - think I'll let him buy it but reserve the right to take it away for a while.
The game itself is great. One can spend hours and and hours completing various quests, dungeon crawling, creating weapons etc. Gore wise it isnt too bad. There is a bit of blood and at the beginning a guys head gets chopped off... Great game though ;)