News0 min ago
Original XBox
I've found my Son's original XBox (it's old) My grandson said he would like it but I'm not sure you can still get the games? If you can where would I get them from? Thank You x
Mazie, my son has a few games that he never plays any more, he's happy for them to go to a good home, if you like contact me through the link if you're on FB or rockythrowaw [email protected] and I'll send them to you. They're mainly sports games, football, snooker etc. http:// www. facebook. com/ rocky. racoon. 313? ref= tn_ tnmn
16:36 Thu 06th Dec 2012
Xbox (original) tend to have a black DVD case. Where as 360 Xbox titles have a grey swish across the top of the case and a green DVD case.
Eg. http ://w ww.r ctec t/fo rum/ othe r-it ems- sale -tra de-w ante d-bu y/48 2962 -lot -13- orig inal -xbo x-ga mes- cove rs-m anua ml (visit original cases)
Now the ones you don't want http ://w ww.g amer sdyn asty .com /gam es/2 0-ea sy-w ays- to-g et-f ree- gami ng-o n-yo ur-x box- 360/ (360 titles)
Eg. http
Now the ones you don't want http
Mazie, my son has a few games that he never plays any more, he's happy for them to go to a good home, if you like contact me through the link if you're on FB or [email protected] and I'll send them to you. They're mainly sports games, football, snooker etc.
http ://w ww.f aceb ook. com/ rock y.ra coon .313 ?ref =tn_ tnmn