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I've Not Seen A Single Image From The...

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sandyRoe | 21:08 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Olympic Games.

I didn't deliberately avoid it, it just didn't happen.

Anyone else not seen any of the games?



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I might have clicked through to a link on the BBC News website, to see what was being regarded as being newsworthy, but otherwise I've not watched any of it.

For example, I took a look to see what this was all about:

(While I certainly don't condone the trolling of any Olympic competitor, I have to say that she was absolute rubbish!  The school I taught at had some national champion breakdancers among our students, who were far, far better than that!)

very little - a lot of beaming heads. I check if the Union Flag is the right way round.

the men's eights dead heat ( almost)

that man beating up the girl ( boxing) but all I need do is go darn the local pub - the girls win a lot of the time  - ter daah !

You've not seen a single image? How the hell did you manage that? Are you being held hostage in a cellar?

I've watched the entire BBC coverage; right up to the closing ceremony that has just ended. I fast forwarded through a few of those long races in the velodrome but slogged through the rest. Enjoyed it but I'm exhausted now. 

watched quite a lot of the channel called 'off'

Yup, not seen any of it, The Hundred has taken our time up of late 

Not taken an interest. I may have caught stuff on news etc. but it's not registered. Heard the UK did quite well though.

saw a bit of the synchronised diving - nowt else.

Synchronised diving, the football? 😄

Just clips shown on the news and about five minutes of a relay race.

Not seen any of it apart from checking whether it was a bloke beating up the Italian girl in the boxing.

Caught the odd snippet now and then when I turned on the TV and it happened to be on (BBC1 showed nothing but the games all day yesterday from 6:50am until after 11pm, bar a couple of short breaks for Countryfile and (what they call) the news.

The games were ruined when they became completely open to professionals (rather than to just the eastern European professionals who were all employed by their countries' armed forces).

The IOC now countenances drug taking competitors and those of dubious gender qualifications and has clearly sold its soul to the highest bidder. The opening ceremonies have become ridiculous (the last one I took much notice of was the UK's in 2012 - that was enough for me). And how do you treat what is supposed to be the wordl's premier sporting occasion when it includes break dancing?

I understand next time out they will include extreme underwater ironing.

Not one.

No more breakdancing for LA

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