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barry1010 | 09:40 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

You can play older games from the archives here

Not as slick but playable 



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Thanks for that barry, strands is my favourite puzzle at the minute x

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Mine too, even when it baffles me 😀

I like spending time on it and don't like when I solve it easily! Sounds daft, I know!

thanks barry. 

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I'm the same with all these games, Ellie.  I feel cheated if I get Wordle in one or two goes.  I like a challenge 

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I've realised it is easier to search Strands Archive than use my link

I've given up on Connections.

Americanisms, blugh😡

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It annoys me, too, sandy.  I know very little about USA culture so it defeats me

and for connection fans. . . . .

I gave connections a trial run of about five goes at it and came to the conclusion I''m just a bit thick on that one. 🤪 

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Thanks, TheWinner

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