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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
beer and mozzarella... you're putting me on.... <hunts for school chemistry book>...

Well, I'm so pleased Lord Downton Hall is being appointed to the peerage, the coalition definitely needs a strategy for the correct laying of tables, no wonder this once great country is going to the dogs.
Table jno, what's that?
Hi All Been to 'Botts' and spent 50 odd quid so I've made a start. I saved the princely sum of £10.14. on 3 for 2's. Better than nothing I suppose

I now have to go to see a friend who I used to work with who is about 64 but she has been in a nursing home for 2 years with severe dementia. She had had several strokes previous to going into the home and then deterirated. I have to 'steel' myself to go as it is so sad to see her. She is lying in a bed like a baby and doesn't know me but I talk to her in the hopes that she may understand a word or two.
It makes me grateful for small mercies.
I always take her something 'sudsy' to go in her bath.

Going to watch Children in Need now on the telly. A few more tears I expect in between lots of laughter.
Have a good night all my friends.
See yer later 'gater(s)
oh, that's such a shame, Jude and her about biddy age too. I hope the evening goes okay.
Evenin', people. Lol at Jude persevering with the "yeti Neti" - you're a brave woman Jude;-) How sad about your friend Jude. I'm sure your visits do her good whether or not she remembers who you are and should she quickly forget you've been there your visit will still be remembered in the form of a sense of well-being.

Well the Salesman really did die, metaphorically - tomorrow's performance has been cancelled:( Remember one of my friends said she had seen it so often she could act it out herself, and me too? I don't believe it had opened yet when we said that, but once it did it had rave reviews so we were actually looking forward to it very much after all. We'll see something else but with such short notice (phonecall from the theatre tonight) the choices are limited.

Every day at the library there are small groups of pre-school children visiting and they're so cute! They've obviously been told in advance that you have to be quiet at the library so they "whisper", only they sound more like little monsters ha ha ha! Haven't thought of it before but it seems impossible for small children to whisper without involving their fake vocal folds (think Louis Armstrong). Neti I'm sure you don't like to admit it but you really are very sweet being concerned about my lunch even xx Well I know for a fact you're allowed to bring your take away coffee but I'm not sure if you're allowed to eat - can't say anybody else does! But I have a really good reading table away from the madding crowd so I keep my sandwiches in my bag and break loose small pieces one at a time... I think the librarians suspect something as the flavours are probably noticeable but we seem to have come to some kind of quiet understanding - don't ask don't tell ha ha!

"My" table is several flights of stairs up, just under the ceiling. Today a man came up the stairs, hung around for ten seconds, farted like you wouldn't believe - I'll spare yo
(cont.) [...] I'll spare you the details *makes Dame Edna face* - and walked away again. Why thank you good sir. Am I invisible? Never hoid anything like it in my life =:0
Merry Blissmass
hope yer all okay.
I did check in a few days back but men were on the menu..:O)its really weird but sometime i reads yer posts and i dont want to post and bugger it up.I dont mean I feel out off place but i dont want to f*** the flow up if yer get my drift.
keep on truckin kip...magic pic jno..:OP)byeee
Wow..i just heard this song and we were staying in a hotel in Barcelona..yonks back and i was knocking back some booze and some morrocan woodbines and these transvestites would pass are window and we would have a gas..I always use to play this for them..loud.:O_)
oh, do drop by and chat, Vinny (unless you're put off by all these tales of sick men) - be nice to hear from a male who's still standing! Hope you're not too damp down there in the southwestern rainforests.
Yes Vin don't stay away. I like to hear your choice in music and waccy baccy tales!!
Morning all..I'm telling you, many more of these dark grey days & I'll have a serious bout of SAD, I'm having sunlight withdrawal now big time stylie.

That's sad about your friend Jude, 64's no age, life can be very cruel.

Shame about your plans being changed Kit, I hope you find something else to enjoy. Can't you go & boogie on down on the good ship? I could look out for you on the webcam.

Vincent you daft bufferer you're not going to upset any flow, as if there was one, we're always chatting above each others heads or round neti's bazooms. So more tales of zuperbug & posh biddies with filthy peg rugs please :o)
We'll even have a Beatles day if you like...
...and Vin we talk about bazooms, now surely you have an opinion on that (those!) I was wondering where you had gone, and yesterday completely I wrote you off completely. Bet you've been communing with like minded souls, lucky things!

I have a bump on my forehead the size of an egg, but no black eye, and only one small skin burn (from the caustic soda) on my arm, I am well pleased.

It is very sunny and warmish here today (just to cheer Robi up!)

Daughter rang doorbell at 6am as she had forgotten her key, I thought it was the police as she had never rung the doorbell in her life, she normally hammers on my shutters. She "mislaid" her new leather bomber jacket (but she bought it and I 'm not replacing it!) Mr N says that if the police have to visit they always call "Hola".
Morning all jno have you stopped rumbling? Neti have you stopped damaging yourself? waves to Dolly...Kit how are you today hello everyone else.
Stupid day yesterday. DH missed his flu jab appointment and we didn't realise till after the surgery had closed. Dh also scratched his car bumper, its only plastic so annoying rather than catastrophic, and lastly I have done my silly back again and have sciatica. Sooooo annoying and painful, have loaded up on painkillers and DH is being a star, dogs didn't get a walk this morning and are being very good. I am just cross and fed up.
the freezer door couldn't kill her... the acid couldn't kill her...

The Neti Monster lives!!!


still some rumblings from the interior, woofgang but I think the noise is fading. A day's rest in front of the telly is good for sciatica.
Morning all. Another dull day and I'm with you Robi heading for SAD. Been for my cuppa at my Fuschia's who is recovering from having a tooth out for which she ended up having anti-bis. ten I had a bit of a walk to brighten myself up.
Neti what are we going to do with you. Accident prone or what! Still I'm pleased the head bang isn't too bad.
I haven't been to see my poorly friend yet. I'm 'gearing' myself up for going tomorrow afternoon. (I do know how to spell deteriorated - it was a typo as usual with me)
Sciatica is chronic Woofy. Flat out rest is prescibed. I have had it many years ago and wouldn't wish it on anybody. Get well soon. And you Jno. Hope the rumblings fade away altogether soon.
Aww, poor woofy, you poor thing, I am in fine fettle but haven't started pottering yet, so may well kill myself before the day is out.

Have done loads of (private) xmas food shopping, ie saus. rolls mince pies, cake, crackers, anD chox and had to drag a laden trolley all the way uphill as Mr N took my car todaY! Felt like a right old woman, only bought the trolley in 2007 when I had my shoulder operation and couldn't drive, but it came in handy.
Help needed please. When I try to download the crossword that sarumite sends me, it doesn't say "Open with....) it just goes straight to downloads and I cannot print it out. any idea how I can get it back to the orignal "Open with..." ta x
perhaps it has already dowloaded it somewhere, Neti: is it in your 'my downloads' folder or something?
sometimes it's there,and sometimes it's nowhere, but even so it's the size of a postage stamp and I can't do anything about it. May he has changed it his end and I don't like to ask him!
Sorted jno1 I opened it on my lappy and all was fine, so I studied it, and then noticed that I could change it in Options, applicatins and as it was jpeg, that's what I did, thanks for help, how's the botty!

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