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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
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Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
Waves feebly back at you all. I am never ever going to eat chips again . I was sooo tempted by the hot chips on the market on Friday afternoon ,fresh out of the fryer .I bought a bag ,doused them with salt and vinegar emptied a tub of cockles over them and wolfed them down .
I have had the most awful chronic indigestion and trapped wind ever since .Bleugh.

Otherwise same old at Shaneytowers .Mr S is trundling along between blood tests .Roll on Friday when we may know a bit more about the piddle problem .

Weather is total and utter crip and my poor sis in law was taken into hospital at the weekend coughing up blood .She's had this before ( scarring from TB) but this time it was a bit worrying .
She's having a scan today so hopefully they can do something .

Nice to see you Vinny, to see you nice .Soon be time to put the sprouts on :)

Take care all ,keep warm ,snow on the way they reckon .Bleugh .
oooh Shaney...chips and cockles.....almost worth the indigestion but not quite...its the wolfing what does it...slow and ladylike is the way, crook your little finger and don't spit the gritty cockles out and throw them over your shoulder....seriously i hope you feel better soon.
Whatever is happening to we Biddies? We are failing, poor Robi, lottie, shaney and woofy. Hope you all feel better tomorrow.

I steer away from flu shots, I am sure I'll get the illness if I have the shot. I had cowpox as a result of my smallpox jab as a kid,and have been wary eversince.

Has been a beautiful day here sunny with a slight chill in the air, but chilly at nights.
Evening all, Dumbo here. With the teenage pregnancy cake from jno yesterday, ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING? Haven't you ever heard of the survival of the fattest?? <oh well at least Vinny didn't play me Baby Elephant Walk > Aww Vinny I'm just trying to be funny, but really it was cute:) The mailman/stork speaks my dialect, Scanian (roughly). About the Indian restaurant *droools*, I looked at their site, did you see they have a few recipes there and did you see Vincent van Gogh was a vegetarian (or did you already know - I didn't). Anyway I think if they had a book out they would promote it on their site. Still, give them a call? Tel: 01274 575893.

About the laptop Neti if I'm going down on the ice I'm not bringing my puta with me ha ha ha... and also I need my extras (ergonomic gadgets) and I can't be bothered to carry that much with me each day. Only reason I have a laptop instead of a... desktop? is so I can bring it to the internet cafe for upgrades... and thirdly I'm getting some work done at the library that I wouldn't have, otherwise. I do check in on you sometimes from the library computers but when I've finished reading the posts the time's already up, lol...

Yes that's a bit worrying about your sis Shaney but could it not be the winter weather in combination with *whispers* age? I hope all went well for her today.

Robi hope you're feeling a little better.

One of my friend's had brought a written down joke - she's as bad at telling jokes as I am. I've found it for you on a site although that site had it as buddies instead of biddies but I changed that back ha ha and changed the waitresses back to waiters the way my friend told it:
A group of 40 years old biddies discussed where they should meet for dinner.

Finally it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the waiters there all looked like Johnny Depp (see what I did there Jude:) and wore their trousers tight.

10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food there was very good and the wine selection was good also.

10 years later at 60 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could eat there in peace and quiet and the restaurant had a beautiful view of the ocean.

10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheel chair accessible and they even had an elevator.

10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before.
....and when they got there they found it was peaceful and quiet with great food and wine but most importantly (we are talking biddies, sorry Vinny) the waiters all looked like Johnny Depp in tight trousers. They couldn't believe that they hadn't found out about the place years ago when they could have digested the food, enjoyed the wine and well make the last bit up for yourself. (zen ending to your joke Kit)
mmm, well, that was very nice, not sure if that was veggie or vegan food but Indian-style samosas and stuff, very tasty.

And the singer was Lara Croft, rather sweet in a jovial Manitoba way. I think she gave me a CD, I'll have to hunt through my goodie bag and check
Just passing throught to wave you all goodnight .My sis in law is home .Not much they can do really .She's on some antibiotics and has to take things easy.
Yes Kit she'll soon be 77 and this weather doesn't help people with poorly lungs .
I hope you are Ok in the cold weather with all this schlepping about and that you have warm clothes on .

Yes it's my own fault Woofy for bolting my food .My Mother always used say I bolted in ,bolted round the table and bolted out again .

I meet up with my old schoolfriends .Mind you I haven't seen them now for a couple of years what with one thing and another .I remember having a long walk through Regents Park when we were in our early fifties ,quite fit considering .The last times we have met we sit in the Vand A for coffee ,have a slow wander round and then park our bums on seats in an eatery for the rest of the afternoon .
If we don't meet up next year I can envisage us staggering about with zimmer frames if we leave it much longer :)

Have a goodnight all and I hope any poorly persons feel better tomorrow .
S.O.T.D Jude 19 tonight .xx
Oh Yoohoo Jno ..nearly didn't see you there .Sounds like a nice evening .
wow, saves the world from alien attack and she can sing.....
Shaney i hope your sil is feeling better and the docs can help. Its coooold here today, have pulled out my lacey long johns for dog walking. DH feels the cold atm too. Does anyone know where I can get him REALLY heavy traditional wool jumpers (not acrylic) please? M and S have some in the heritage range but the colours are sludgey.
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Morning Woofie. Extremely cold here too

Try this site

Much cheaper would be an Army surplus store, but the colours are limited.
Morning all, I popped in a while ago and forgot to clock in! Hope you are all feeling better today.

sorry, all I can say is beautiful sunny day but chillyish.
Morning Biddyfriends.
Hope your SiL Gets beetter soon Shaney and you have recovered from your Friday feed up. When I'm out with my friends I usually clear my plate before they do. So that must say something about the way I eat. And Robi, I hope you go to the Drs. this week to get some help with your head.
And everybody else keep well and have a good day.
I have heard that joke before Kit but I still laugh at it. I know the feeling when my friends say to me "we've been there before, don't you remember?". My reply to that is "Oh yes I remember now" but I expect the day will probably come when I don't..:-)

SOTD Shaney a magnificent 3 but I didn't get tuned in til it was half way through so it may have been about 6. It was a good contest I thought.Well done to you, you intelligent, erudite lady!!

Did anybody watch 'Accused' last night? There has been some comment on it with regard to the Biritsh army's present Afghanistan situation but as a drama I thought it was very good even though it was violent at times. McGovern writes some very emotive work and I don't really like all of it but I have been known to shed a tear at some of it that I have seen. Priest being one and an episode of The Street where the young burglar committed murder. Very sad. I watched both of them the other night and was a wreck when I went to bed. Once every 6 months to see one episode would be enough.

Off to Tai Chi as usual and a very local pub today for lunch, sometimes we don't fancy going far afield and today's one of them and as I do the driving I don't mind.
See yer later 'gater(s)
morning all...not read your posts properly cos the writing's a bit jiggly but I've taken the plunge and got a doc appt for later this morning. Having to give chapter and verse to a nurse before *she* decides whether I need an appt or not makes my blood boil. Strewth I go there less often than I go to the dentist, I'm hardly a nuisance.
Just gotta fit some stabilisers to get me's not far to walk if you feel ok...but not really far enough to warrant a taxi although plenty do. Later.
that's brilliant Lottie, thank you and Dh thanks you too. You know it makes sense Robi, nuisance though it is....
Morning blossoms.
Jno my daughters been there and she really rates that place.(she spends every weekend in camden.) and another strange thingy ive just ordered a wool rollneck from your site lottie and when you put your order through you scroll down from mr, right down to general.earl viscount .prince etc
ive now aquired an MBE..cant wait to see the postmans face:O)Really liked that joke kip.The sprouts are on shaney:O)Nearly nine years ago george..dont time fly.
Lol Vinny!
here I makes sense woofie? It made no bloody sense at all...When I got there they'd booked me in with the wrong doc without telling me after I specifically asked for my regular! He was running late, and he was ok-ish but after a quick exam (squeezed my head so damned hard & it hurts) decided it was probably fibromyalgia related migraines & I came out clutching a prescription for co-codamol, (despite me telling him codeine gives me stomach pain). How bad does it have to get before some investigation is done? Do I need to send my head in a box & say 'Here, check this out!'? I've got an appt for my annual Hodgkin's check up in a couple of weeks at the hospital, I'll see what they say. Not surprisingly my bp's up. grrrrrr

Hope everyone's toddling along ok and all assessments etc are ok...shaney don't just throw the gritty cockles over your shoulder, throw the whole bagful, haha...more devil's food....and what's with the world's obsession with mussels? I swear they'll be doing macmusselburgers next.

Love the joke Kit, I think I fast ffd' from 40ish to 70ish one night when I wasn't paying attention.
Well it was a lovely sunny, crisp day but looks like it's on the slide now
oooh-err, snow this weekend. (Allegedly.) I'm just in from the dentist, another tooth's been given the black spot and will have to go next week. He keeps telling me one on the other side is past saving too, but I knew this one would go first. The one next door had already gone, so this one just wobbled so much it eventually broke. Once they're both gone I'm going to be down to living off Ovaltine. Woofgang, if you happen to have kept a blog about getting implants, point me to it, because I think that's going to be a major expenditure next year.

Ahh, nice video VINNY_MBE. Nice joke too, Kit.

And in other news, women only weigh themselves on the full moon because they think they weigh less

I only weigh myself after I've had a tooth pulled, every little bit less counts.
Lovely sunny crisp day in Derbys ? It's done nothing but Pee Po Piddledown here !
Typical Robinia .Shame you couldn't see your regular GP .Perhaps they can advise you better when you go for your check up .Take it easy .Have a cockle :))
I love cockles ,mussels any shellfish really .

Same old at Shaneytowers .Got drenched going to Morrisons and drenched coming back .Have made a lamb hotpot ,sorted out loads of washing ,cleaned bathroom and was going to vacuum but can't be bothered now .

I watched Accused Jude .It was good . I'm going to watch that prog with Andrew Marr this evening which I recorded about JFK after Alans Gardens .
Take care all ,see you later .
shaney I'm grateful that we can get a gp appt usually on the day we call or the next day but I was annoyed this morning after checking my doc had available appointments & then being sent to one I'd never seen. hey ho, I'll double check next time.

erm if and when we have a cold draughty grotto this year neti will be spending her time outside in a kennel next to the lav....tut...try telling Charlie he should be in a kennel...go ahead...sleep well....


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