He needs an account at EA nation, google for the address as I can't remember. Once that's set up, link the Gamertag to the account and make sure the date of birth goes in the the right place.
If you're happy with him playing online, as I guess you are, then tell him to fiddle his year of birth so he appears to be over 18. For some reason, EA don't allow under 16s to play FIFA due to some of the dynamic advertising. Putting himself as over 18 means he can play of the games that EA decree to be an 18 certifcate even when they're not otherwise any of those will only be available offline as well
I'm assuming he's around that sort of age where an 18 cert is slightly meaningless. If not, then go for 16 for now.
If that doesn't work, get onto EA customer support and mention your predicament, but again be sure to mention he's 16 or over