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So what do you want Santa to bring you?

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naomi24 | 10:12 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
I'm hoping for the new Professor Layton game for my Nintendo - and maybe the odd diamond or two. Ding! :o)))


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I wanted and I know im getting (as i've already found it-oopsie!) a Kindle, I can't wait!
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What's a kindle?
A nice husband!

Basically, an electronic book reader Naomi, you download books onto it and read as you would a book.
I want my bedroom decorating as he has three weeks off work.
I want Santa to bring my FH a new job.
Money couldn't buy me what I'm getting (I hope, weather permitting) even though I won't be getting it until a few days later..............

<But I have a veneer of being a hard-faced cow to I shan't be sharing :op>
Money cannot really buy what I really want.... however -

I know I have some ugg boots, cos I chose them. And a nice pearl necklace wouldn't go amiss. And perfume. And I think BF is getting me a netbook, whatever one of those is?
i've been on the naughty list for years,
so if he brings me anything at all, it'll be a bonus.
Pearl necklace salla?
Yes McM. And a matching earrings and bracelet would be very nice too.... ;-)
santa can bring me a 24 hour rapid thaw.....please :)
And a huge litre bottle of Plymouth Sloe Gin.
more nookie
Better nookie ;-)
I've certainly heard of Plymouth gin...we're very proud of it down here........
...but Sloe Gin...that's a new one.
I'm loving how my Amazon link looks up there ^^^

Isnt that snazzy?

(I'm easily pleased!)

Sloe Gin tastes like summer. It is beautiful stuff.

I am just looking forwards to the food, don't think I need anything from Santa.

Spare Ed
Thats the point of Christmas presents isnt it though Ed?

You get stuff you dont neccessarily need, but you'd quite like 'em!
A big lottery win.

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