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Caribbean ancestors

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carolegif | 20:34 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | Genealogy
5 Answers
I am researching a family tree for a friend who was born in the Caribbean. I have his immigration details, but cannot find where I can look up BMD's. Ancestry does not seem to cover the Caribbean even on its Worldwide membership. I can find nothing on the Mormon site, so any ideas?

Many thanks!


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There's a few sites for differing parts of the Caribbean.......just google Caribbean genealogy.
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Thanks, most of them refer me back to Ancestry where I have to pay for the Worldwide Premium package!
If it's just a few queries dotty may look for you....she has a premium membership, and I think Barmaid may have as well....
carole I do have the worldwide membership at the moment so if you can email me i will look ([email protected]) but I am not renewing it this month as I won't be using it much, so my subscription may lapse later this week.,
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Thanks Dot, will do!

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