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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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oh dear, Lottie, maybe we could save some money by sharing an ambulance to the dentist. Sorry to hear people are still a bit under the Mayan weather, maybe a good night's sleep will help everyone.
Good morning biddies, oh gosh I hope woofy, lottie and jno are feeling better, and that the rest of us stay OK. I feel fine but tire (sp doesn't look right?) easily.

Have to hunt down a new purse/wallet for Mr N as i think he needs one.

Catch you all later.

Jude have a super time today xx
Had a really weird dream last night, I dreamt that I came back to this little house but it was as it used to be, and mum was sitting on the step drinking tea in the sun, and she asked if I had seen my dead dad and I said I had and he was having another funeral, then an old ford car came driving through the front garden ( as it was then) and I motioned to them not to drive over my snowdrop and so he avoided it, but mum said it didn't matter, then we saw that my car was blocking the steps for him so I had to reverse my car. Must be that ginger-- wine!!
Morning all...what day is it? I thought it was Saturday yesterday. So the world didn't end then? The Robiyan calendar ends on the 31st Dec every year...but so far I've always woken up on Jan 1st. It's sooo dark and wet and it looks like the washing will have to wait 'til tomorrow (they're saying dry & windy) this rate I'll be drawerless by xmas.

Are the family staying all xmas shaney? Don't go shlurping all the shnapps...alternate it with the golden shyrup :)

Sorry some of you are still struggling, I hope you feel better over the weekend. I keep feeling ropey, not sure if it's just me & the fibro or there's a virus bubbling under.

jno, hang onto your teef or you might end up with another badge
good morning all, the weather is vile and my chest is full of crud. The end.
oh poor Woofy, sounds like the Mayans have got hold of you and filled you with old chocolate.

neti, I'm sure your dream was telling you to make sure Mr N's new wallet is a bigger one.
Not so much bigger jno, and more full!!
Hi all. Just another quick hello and Oight Oight. I've had a wonderful day with my sons and I'm now very tired so I'm off. I'll probably be back tomorrow after a good nights sleep. Laters 'gaters x
Hi jude, glad you enjoyed it, knew you would!

Well, I´ve been waiting here all day, no one has come in, all too busy partying and celebrating :-(

I've jsut watched Ice Age $, so sweet and have now found out how to record onto dvd in this new laptop, things are looking up.
yay for techy Neti. I am feeling quite a bit better tonight, we stayed in all day today because I couldn't stop coughing and it made my head spin. Where I walk the dogs is flooded so no walk tomorrow, we are all going out for a picnic lunch instead. jno yes, my chest felt just like it was filled with old nasty chocolate, very hard to breathe through.
Good thoughts to all of you and oight oight.
Oh Ps are we having a grotto this year or shall we just do the museum up?
my, it's looking a bit damp out in the wild west there, I hope Santa brings Vinny a boat for Christmas
Good morning few and far between biddies.

Poor woofy that's just how I felt with my chest and have to say I'm coughing a bit more again now and yesterday found it hard to get my breath walking uphill. Hope we all clear up soon. We were meant to go to Ibiza town last night to see the creche and the xmas decs, it's a tradition, but neither of us felt like it , so Mr N made yet more soup and I went to bed.

Yes do hope Vinny is OK down that neck of the woods. Too warm here for us!

Robi and shaney and lottie, I do hope you are all OK, and hope the teeth aren't too bad jno x
Morning all/few...yes, some rotten luck weatherwise for a lot of people. Watching the news I really felt for them. It's bright 'n breezy here & I'm just waiting for a big load of washing to finish doing the rumba around the kitchen. It seems to be taking ages, I think it's doing a lap of honour for xmas.

Speaking of rumba, I thoroughly enjoyed Strickly and the best couple won! I love Flavia she's my favourite professional and Louis really came out of his shell...and his clothes...wit woo! Pasha's my second favourite so I was a happy viewer last night.

It seems the curator's gone to put his sprouts on & we're locked in here until after the new year woofy so we'll have to make the most of it. I'm pleased you're feeling better btw.
I've found a few decorations to cheer the place up ...looks like jno used to be a modul...
And as your gift from me you'll all be getting a nice little shopper to take to Tescos ...that'll please at least one person in here ...

I'm not sure what we'll be having for dinner though...we might have to make a fire with a bit of this tatty old furniture, Louis xv or sommat, and boil up a few old bones. I could do with some extra calories if anyone can find some Five Boys choc or the like, I seem to have lost quite a bit of weight recently.
Morning Biddies.

It isn't raining and yes that is really News. Fortunately no floods in this area, but it was so depressing.

My mood has lifted a bit so please excuse me for the last few days. I had a really black cloud around me and could quite easily have just pulled covers over my head and stayed in bed full time (but I didn't).

Glad you are feeling better Woofy and Neti and hope you are OK Robi and Shaney. My tooth/nose/face doesn't feel right at all but I have given up on the antibios and shall see the dentist first thing after Christmas. I have a permanent bad smell up my nose so there still must be infection there!!

I am cooking him and me Turkey today because he likes it. So it will be a pre Christmas dinner for just the two of us. We are at Juniors for Christmas day - thank goodness - I really couldn't cope with entertaining anybody this year, even close family. Christmas really does bring bad memories I suppose. Pneumonia one year, Fractured vertebrae one Christmas morning, Tummy Bug for all of us another year, and then one boxing day I sat in A&E all morning to get help with a severely infected big toe. Are now teeth.............................. No wonder I don't like Christmas.

HOWEVER I am doing my best to make today happy and shall wrap the 'kids' presents up and dust myself down and think positive.

Once again sorry.

I shall be back before the big day.

Love you all. xxxxx
P.S. Louis on Strictly last night - yum!!! And what a brilliant dancer. The best one!! Really enjoyed it.

here you are biddies (if I have done it correctly). Sorry no five boys chocolate as it is sexist!
oh dear it's a bit small but am still getting used to all this!
Well apparently we are doing the trad visit to Ibiza tonight )when the shops will be shut!) but at least the xmas market thing will be open where they sell trees and little figures for the Belen, and hopefully we'll be eating out. Am starting to feel slightly depressed, it is just so unchristmassy here. I want fun and xmas songs (not the spanish one about fishes in the river!! don't ask!). Hate it here!
Hello and good Sunday Morning Biddyfriends. I'm sorry for those of you suffering at the mo. Lottie, Jno, Shaney, Woofy, Robi and Neti. I genuinely want you all to feel better for Christmas. Lottie please don't apologise you have absolutely no need. I know how feeling down and depressed can be. I've really had my share over the years because of circs.I just happen now to be having some relaxing enjoyment of my life. How long it will last, who knows. I'm just taking each day as it comes and won't regret one minute of it. I have had my very small family together. Between us yesterday my sons and I decided we didn't want to go out for lunch as we had late breakfasts so we just gathered at my house and drank tea and coffee and chattered for a couple of hours. Then they both had to go. But it was great to see them together as that doesn't happen very often but they get on really well.
The sun is shining here this morning but a bit windy. I'm off out in a while to see my Nephew and his family. It's his wife's birthday today and I go every year onb this day and they always ask me if I want to go round on Christmas Day.
Have to go now as I have a few more presents to wrap up.
See yer later 'gater(s)
P.S. I have read all your posts and the pictures of the elderly ladies you put on Robi reminded me of a photo I have of my Grandmother and I am going to put it on to show you when I have a few minutes to get it out. It's of her walking down a road in a Derby area which has now been taken over by ethnic groups. I'm not complaining, just explaining. You may recognise it Robi.

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