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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Yes you are a very nice wife, I think you all are!
I am a very miserable old thing these days Neti and he puts up with me admirably. I don't like myself any more.
Haven't read back as I am too sleepy but I wish you all the happiest and most blessed of Christmasses. The cold is finally moving away and I feel normal (well biddy normal) which is lovely. We went out in the rain and hooley because the boys have had so few walks lately then I popped into the local tesco for some fresh fruit, it was lovely and jingly in there, not many shoppers and the radio on, everyone was singing along.
That tree festival is stunning.
what lovely trees, Lottie.

Slept from 2 till 6, which is hardly enough, and I will have to try again later. So I got up and emailed everything I'd written down about our family tree to all interested relations, which they probably won't see till after the holiday. Maybe it will jog their memories and they'll remember more stuff they'd forgotten. It has been rather frustrating having almost no oral family history to go on - all the older generation are dead (and some of my generation) and nobody seemed to know much about the past, though one had done some research into the Irish peasants on one side of her family, so I've incorporated that. But almost all the family anecdotes people remembered have turned out to be wrong when I've tried to stand them up.

If I can get more illustrations I might try printing it properly. But there are hardly any old family photos or anything. So it will just amount to a memo for jno jnr and save him having to do it all himself when his parents have joined their ancestors.
Good morning, and thank you for email jno.

Yes lottie those trees look beautiful.

Not sure what is happening today, I think Mr N and I are going for an xmas drink sometime!!
Morning biddies in blankets...glad tidings of comfort and daz. It's monday and washday in this workhouse you know...I've found an old cauldron that cannibals boiled their dinner in and it's heating up nicely so you can get your clothes off and chuck 'em in. Anyone needing to cover their modesty will have to borrow a few bandages from the mummies.

I've mentioned before jno that our family tree on my dad's side is just a sapling. There's a distinct lack of information, I think the ancestors must have escaped/fled from somewhere.

That tree festival is beautiful. My sister was passing a church a week or two ago and she could see something going on inside. Suddenly, the angel of the lord.... oops, sorry.... a nice lady invited her in and before she could decline she was bundled through the door, haha. I'm guessing it was very much like that Lottie, lovely trees everywhere, but the sad thing was they were all going to be taken down that night. When sis asked why she was told it was because there were funerals to be held before xmas. Now I can understand how people might find festive lights upsetting but if I had died I'd love to think a scene like that was my send off! In fact, I might request it. :)

I'll pop back later, hopefully...
Good afternoon all - I'm off to the Cathedral this afternoon to a carol concert. I love it...Have a fabulous time tomorrow...see you soon - Love Jude x

I hope this one works!!
bah humbug, the Sky HD+ box which my sister gave to us, isn't!!!! After spending hours trying to get it to work, I discovered that it is a normal common or garden sky box "**@!!
Hi there.

The tree festival is a yearly event. The trees are individually decorated by individual businesses, societies, charities, etc. in and around the town. They raise thousands of pounds for Charity by charging for entry, and also holding craft markets etc. in the vicinity. Quite a well known event in Norfolk.

Am making a few labels from last years Christmas cards. Mr LL has to do the wrapping of parcels. It's an absolutely horrible wet day and our river is the highest I have ever seen it. Driving home from town was dreadful, water is pouring off the fields. We are fortunate in having ditches to the front and rear of our property - they really save us from flooding from the fields.!image/2369540792.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/2369540792.jpg
Another famous local event

Loads of coaching passing us since November.

We used to go every year when Master LL was young and my Mother loved it too. A really spectacular Christmas show in the middle of the countrysie.;gs_ri=hp&cp=11&gs_id=19&xhr=t&q=thursford+christmas&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.Yms&bpcl=40096503&biw=1024&bih=599&;wrapid=tljp1356365636044020&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=R3_YUPXpNMntsgbtkoCoBg



Yes it's been a grey, wet day here and I didn't bother going out.

Lovely pics Lottie!

HAPPY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL!! Hopefully I'll be in again in the morning to sing to you :)
Oh dear, don't get too excited, looks like we've got quite a wait...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night x
Haqd a terrific evening, so many laughs and a few drinks, then we came back toSta Eulaliafor coffee and cake, then home where I have watched "Trollied" and now "Mount Pleasanr" and Mr N is in bed.

have a nice Christmas, everyone. Apparently the plan is that we have two Xmas dinners on two days so I may be some time. If only I actually liked turkey.

Walks bravely out into a blizzard of gizzard
Merry Christmas Folks!
To see you all here warms my heart it does.Blimey..never seen sumutch water in me life!!!!!!!!!!!well except when i go in me local:O)Happy Christmas and may all your dreams come true fer
HAPPY CHRISTMAS VINNY!! Great to see you. I've just come on to Skype my friend and thought I'd just look in and here you are. All the best for the New Year. and Be Happy. x

Have a lovely day peeps, I´ll pop in and out.
Oh dear you can tell by my typing last night that I had enjoyed myself!!

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