National Anthems (again) in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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National Anthems (again)

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Duncer | 19:03 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Kim Little, the Scottish striker in the team GB (U bloody K) side refused to sing the National Anthem before the game against New Zealand, and her grandfather, a 72 year old SNP voter, explained why.

"It's her decision and I support it 100%. I would have done the same myself. It's the National Anthem of England and she is Scottish".

Mmmm, where to start?

It's the National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland sir, not England, and being Scottish does not preclude you from being British.

I firmly believe that all shades of political opinion should be given respect, but this small minded parochialism does no favours to anyone. I'm not saying people should be forced to sing their anthem, in fact I would do away with ALL anthems, but if you are going to refuse to sing then at least get your facts right.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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She's happy enough to take part in the UK team - she didn't make the distinction then that's it's not a Scottish side. Don't sing, by all means, but don't make such a feeble excuse as to why not.
19:18 Fri 27th Jul 2012
hear - hear
How about refusing to sing "God Save the Queen" because you find it ludicrous to implore an entity in which you do not believe to save an institution which you firmly believe should be abolished? That's why I don't sing it...
youll be emigrating then Mark?
??? What a strange comment...

duncer respects freedom of choice ... his point is that the grandfather got his facts wrong!
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Mark, while I agree with your sentiments, and am no prticular fan of the monarchy, I would at least say so rather than waffle nonsense about it being England's anthem.
I know that.
There's a time and place to express one's feelings about national identity and when playing for team GB is not it.
if they dont want to sing the national anthem then they should not want to play for team gb...anyway the team is mainly full of welsh and scottish players...no wonder they play crap...
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I can still be British without wanting to sing the anthem, although I always stand for them out of respect.

I think all national anthems are ludicrous nonsenses.
I've never understood the point of Spain's national anthem......no words, now that's weird!!!
Every country in the world has a national anthem -
She's happy enough to take part in the UK team - she didn't make the distinction then that's it's not a Scottish side. Don't sing, by all means, but don't make such a feeble excuse as to why not.
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But they are silly and they nearly all follow the "Our country is great" mantra.

I don't expect people to write a song telling us how sh1tty their country is, but it all gets a bit tedious, not to mention ridiculous, when they sing about their indefatiguability in battle and their resolve never to be beaten, despite the fact they probably already have, many times.
Soldiers are wee...some are big.
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I can smell the sh1t you are trying to stir sir, and 'm not biting.
No it's not, duncer - anthems should be about telling everyone else how big and glorious that country is.

Ours isn't about stirring up patriotic feelings, it's about the Monarch - and it's a dirge.
Think Scotland should have this one:

We are the heilin' Jocks
We wear nae baits and we wear nae socks
We wear wir putties roon wir c*cks
Tae keep oor ba's fae freezin'
Having said that, I always find the "reason" for disliking God Save the Queen is because one verse is about keeping the Scots in check disingenuous to say the least, when in the same breath proposing O Flower of Scotland as Scotland's national anthem...
The Games are about to stir up a hornet's nest of political hatred and intrigue most of which comes from Scotland or at least Scottish sympathisers. I am Scottish and fiercely proud (or should that read proudly fierce) of it but I cannot believe that any right thinking person wants to se the United Kingdom split up over the verse which includes "rebellious Scots to crush". Let us live together as one Nation and not be swayed by a glib diminutive megalomaniac. Do you really want that in our history books for the next Goodness knows how many millennia.
To get back to the original point I do not sing the National Anthem because it is not to do with our country and rather more to do with the Head of State. Much rather 'Advance Australia Fair' 'Oh Canada' 'Old Glory' etc. Also they never play it in my key.

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