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What Would've Have Happened If Hitler Won Wwii?

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TheSuburbs | 13:46 Thu 13th Dec 2012 | History
80 Answers
Assuming they had beaten fended off us, Russians and Americans in Europe and had taken over Europe as a whole.

What would have been their next step? With American forces in Europe demolished, not to mention still fighting the Japs, they would not have strength to mount another assault on Europe. Would Germans consolidate their strength and invade America?

if they were to achieve this the whole world would be at their mercy, would Hitler not stop until the whole world would be under German control?

How would they treat their allies in Japan and Italy? would they eventually destroy them too?


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NJ, is quite correct, what they couldn't do by force, they have now done by stealth.
"he wasn't that mad, dangerous, cunning, barbaric in his murder of friend and foe alike, and the master plan to wipe all Jews from the face of the earth could well have succeeded had he been able to resist the Russians and their final onslaught. "

It was the Americans who would have been the real threat. He could have crushed the Russians eventually if it wasn't for the small matter of the invaders to the west. He might, on the other hand, have been able to handle the Allies to the west if he hadn't gone and invaded Russia and if his generals had had the courage to tell him the Allies weren't going to invade Europe across the Dover Strait.
Mad as a mad thing I tell you. End of
I don't think it is possible to credibly play with 'what-ifs' with history. It's fine for fiction but in reality there are far too many variables.
no he couldn't have got to grips with the Russians, after they had taken such a beating, they had not been so depleted, swamped by Hitler's forces. I would like to think that America wouldn't have seen us overrun, one of their closest allies, and eventually dropped an atomic bomb on Germany. Mind you that might well have taken out many other parts of Europe, doubt the French would have been too pleased, then again are they ever.
Perhaps there are many variables, but it's still an interesting subject. I do however think that had we been overrun he would have wiped out all Jews here.
> I would like to think that America wouldn't have seen us overrun

You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't!) by how many Americans believe that's actually what happened and that they "saved our asses" in WW2 by coming over and driving the Nazis out of the UK...

The Lend Lease notwithstanding, obviously...
The point I am making is that had he not, in his deluded state, effectively declared war on the entire world at once, he might have succeeded. He'd have needed to deal with the Americans somehow, of course and as I said before he was planning to do that, had the need arisen, using a weapon of mass destruction.
Mark, i know that one because i have heard it so many bloody times, how John Wayne, who everyone knows was the great American hero, came to our aid, and won the war. Sadly for some Americans that wasn't quite how it was, but don't tell them that, or indeed that JW never went to war, saving his career into the bargain. There was lend lease of course, and the enormous cost to Britain ultimately, a loan which was only fully paid back in 2006 i believe.
It's often forgotten that, although the Manhattan Project was *led* by the US, it was a joint project with the UK and Canada. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that, had the need arisen, Churchill would have nuked Berlin...
how John Wayne, who everyone knows was the great American hero, came to our aid, and won the war.

Didn't he crack the Enigma Code too, or was it the Enigma Variations?
Don't get me started on the disgraceful treatment of Alan Turing. The man was a total British hero in my mind, easily the equal of Churchill or Nelson...
the programme that was on recently, The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler was absolutely fascinating. The many millions of ordinary Germans who fell under that man's spell was chilling. All the nonsense that has been put forward in the past, how the ordinary German didn't know about the persecution of the Jews, and the death camps was absurd. There is so much footage, and probably enough books to fill a library on the subject, and just a few survivors to testify to that end.
//It was the Americans who would have been the real threat. He could have crushed the Russians eventually//

That is simply not true

From the moment they entered the war, the Soviets occupied 70% of Nazi resources. Having survived the initial onslaught, Soviet resources in the East and The Caucasus (and Nazi lack of them) would have led to Soviet victory eventually even without the western front opening up and privately, The German High Command were acknowledging an eventual defeat after the Battle of Stalingrad.

It is often said that the Americans saved us from speaking German.
In fact, it is more credible to say they saved us from talking Russian.
agree about Alan Turing, assume you know about Tommy Flowers, another absolute hero..
It might surprise you to learn just how close the Americans came to speaking German! A bit earlier than WWII, granted...
i don't think that Russia had designs on Britain, not from anything i have studied.
> assume you know about Tommy Flowers

I'm sure you know the answer to that!
of course, just testing. One of these days i am going to get out to Bletchley park, it's been on my to do list for a very long time.
You absolutely should. A field trip there ought to be a compulsory part of the national curriculum.
There are so many fascinating inter-dependencies in WW2

If Britain hadn't held out, the Germans needn't have left so many divisions in France when they invaded USSR.

With those extra resources they could have taken Moscow, Stalingrad and The Caucasus oilfields before Winter. Then cleaned up The East in Spring.

With no foothold either in UK or North Africa for an invasion of mainland Europe, the US could have been looking at everywhere but the Americas controlled by The Axis.
we didn't study any of this when i was at school, that came much later.

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