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What Would've Have Happened If Hitler Won Wwii?

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TheSuburbs | 13:46 Thu 13th Dec 2012 | History
80 Answers
Assuming they had beaten fended off us, Russians and Americans in Europe and had taken over Europe as a whole.

What would have been their next step? With American forces in Europe demolished, not to mention still fighting the Japs, they would not have strength to mount another assault on Europe. Would Germans consolidate their strength and invade America?

if they were to achieve this the whole world would be at their mercy, would Hitler not stop until the whole world would be under German control?

How would they treat their allies in Japan and Italy? would they eventually destroy them too?


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//i don't think that Russia had designs on Britain, not from anything i have studied. //

Well Moscow sponsored Communist organisations were poised to take control in France, Italy, Germany and the Low Countries. Only the East/West deal in 1945 caused them to back off.

With a Soviet dominated mainland Europe and (potentially) strong pro-soviet-ally feelings in UK following their defeat of Hitler - how hard would it be for a pro Moscow British Communist Party to take power?
> we didn't study any of this when i was at school

I simply cannot understand the rationale for that. In history, what else would we want to teach our children than that which played the largest part in forming modern-day Britain?
"If Britain hadn't held out, the Germans needn't have left so many divisions in France when they invaded USSR.

With those extra resources they could have taken Moscow, Stalingrad and The Caucasus oilfields before Winter. Then cleaned up The East in Spring."

That is exactly what i meant earlier: with enemies on all sides, Hitler was unable to concentrate his resources on any one aggression. The poor man.
And I also agree with em10 that Stalin was unlikely to have advanced further than he'd have needed to cement his "buffet" zone (!). As it was he annexed the Baltic States and pinched Konigsberg and the Kuril Islands with impunity.
If anyone hasn't seen the film "Reds", I thoroughly recommend it. Beatty's finest work...
I have two neighbours who were at Bletchley; an elderly lady next door and an elderly gentleman down the road.

Interestingly, both are looking a bit frail physically but both are still pin-sharp in the brain-dept
going on the US opposition to outright communism, couldn't see them letting that happen. We were and still are, like as not their closest allies, and push comes to shove i really don't think we would have been speaking Russian at any point. Markrae is correct, with Churchill in charge he would have deployed whatever weapon to keep this country from falling into the hands of a foreign power.
I saw that many years ago, one of the few films with Warren Beatty in it i liked.
Whatever happens this country couldn't possibly be in a worse state than it is now. Rule Brittannia? She should be weeping
You didn't like Bonnie and Clyde or Heaven Can Wait...?
/Stalin was unlikely to have advanced further than he'd have needed to cement his "buffet" zone (!). /

there are some interesting books about the Soviet's plans to control all of Europe by way of local communist parties and their infiltration of resistance groups

Antony Beever's books ('Paris' for instance) make it very clear why we were so tolerant of De Gaulle and his 'triumphant return' to Paris, and why the allied advance to Berlin was deemed so important.
i was going to add i liked Bonnie and Clyde, rather violent and not usually my sort of film, but not Heaven can wait particularly, it's a remake of a much better film.. I am not a big fan of WB.
Here Comes Mr Jordan, you mean? I didn't care for that at all...
I'm sure we would be better off than we are now.
"/Stalin was unlikely to have advanced further than he'd have needed to cement his "buffet" zone (!). /

there are some interesting books about the Soviet's plans to control all of Europe by way of local communist parties and their infiltration of resistance groups

Antony Beever's books ('Paris' for instance) make it very clear why we were so tolerant of De Gaulle and his 'triumphant return' to Paris, and why the allied advance to Berlin was deemed so important. "

Indeed - no one was any illusion about the menace Stalin represented. It would be nice to think though that had we gone communist we'd at least still have spoken English :-)
talking of De Gaulle, it made me laugh, well not really, when i read recently his remarks he made about how he liberated his country, that's news to me, didn't he spend a lot of time here in Britain. The cost of liberating France was enormous, for anyone who does want a good take on some parts of that liberation watch Band of Brothers, i am aware it's from the American angle, but it's much better than the somewhat over stretched Saving Private Ryan.
our town hall used to fly the Red flag many years ago, that must have been galling to many who lived in the area.
maybe em


//with Churchill in charge??//

You should bear in mind that this country booted out Churchill in 1945 in favour of a left wing Labour government who idolised the 'Soviet Brothers in Arms' - cue visits by Red Army choirs etc

//going on the US opposition to outright communism, couldn't see them letting that happen//

If the US had allowed a Soviet dominated Europe why would they apply resources to then just help us?

They were too busy supplanting us in the East and bolstering their own Superpower status in competition with the Soviets.

At best we might have become a big US missile base staring down the Soviets - but isn't there a history of UK opposition to such 'American Imperialism'?
//De Gaulle, it made me laugh, well not really, when i read recently his remarks he made about how he liberated his country, that's news to me, didn't he spend a lot of time here in Britain. //

Indeed em. Some Americans wanted to occupy France such was the fear of the French Communists taking power.

De Gaulle was seen (and tolerated) as the best solution
A person who hears the word 'communism' and then thinks of a country is the same person who hears 'The William Tell Overture' and thinks of 'The Lone Ranger'.
"a left wing Labour government who idolised the 'Soviet Brothers in Arms'

That's a bit unfair - it was one of Attlee's minsters (I can't remember which one) who immediately saw through the Soviet Union and was a major driving force in the setting up of NATO.

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