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Friday Is St. Patrick's Day

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Hazlinny | 15:24 Mon 13th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
105 Answers
St. Patrick's Day 2022.

.... and we are all going across the Irish Sea to celebrate with friends on AB and from all over the world. "No we're not" I hear you say .... "Yes, you are". All you have to do is compose a ditty stating where you'd like to go, who with (either from AB or, to accomodate Hopkirk, from the outside world). So many beautiful places to visit, folklore, amazing food and the craic in the many music-filled pubs. The list is endless. As on previous occasions, the ditty can be amusing, loving, saucy, whatever. You may submit as many entries as you wish. Those who struggle might just like to say a few words and the thread will be interspersed with lovely Irish music.

I will update this on Thursday ...competition will run throughout the day on 17 March. One piece of good news ..I won't be acting as judge this time (owing to previous mutterings about favouritism from one particular source) - the judge has been chosen from the Irish community.

p.s. Don't forget to wear a touch of green otherwise you might be at risk of being pinched by a leprechaun.



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I long to go back to Ireland To visit my dearest friend there To make more happy memories In a place that's my choice to share I have always been so welcomed It's just a different way of living The people have warmth and kindness They're so generous in their giving Doors remain open all of the time And smiles and hugs are given free All these things are, just simply...
22:47 Fri 17th Mar 2023
Yes, 17th is St.P's day...and don't we all know (and have to suffer) it.
Why suffer, Ginge? What is there for you to suffer that you need to ruin the start of Haz's fun thread?
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^^^ Was going to ask exactly that, Gness!
Well, I'll be celebrating as it's my youngest grandson's 15th birthday. See if I can find a bit of shamrock or a four leaf clover too.
Well, I'm English and have no interest in St.P...or any other "saint" - including George. Let's face's all nonsense!
With me shillelagh under me arm
And a twinkle in me eye
I'll be off to Tipperary in the morning.
With me shillelagh under me arm
And a toora loora lie
I'll be welcome in the home that I was born in.
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** Eee by gum, Ozzy. I'll type that in on Friday's thread on your behalf.x
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Sure, it’s yourself there, laying upon a bed of my clover. Said the Leprechaun appearing instantly in a green flash of light. Porter in the one hand, shillelagh In the other.
Don’t go a wishing for me pot of gold now will ya?
And what if I do? Said I….
I stand now on the banks of the Liffey dipping my my willow branches into the flowing water thinking…A tree, he turned me into a tree, or…perhaps I’ve always been a tree and merely dreamt I was otherwise.
Love that, David.
Thank you naomi24, I’m quite fond of you too.
Awww .. shucks. :o)
The real St Patrick’s Day this year is March 18 ;-)

If Ireland rugby do the business in the afternoon with a first-ever Grand Slam won on home soil I may celebrate with one Guinness.
The high life that is me.
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Mmmmm Ickeria - guess it won't be just one if you happen to encounter our Gness along the way!

David - that is good - I was going to make a separate thread for Friday but will just leave this one so the Judge won't get too confused .....
and she does!
St Patricks' Day is also quite big in Malta. I was totally unaware of this when I was there in 2017. I was in Spinola, St. Julians' Bay, and I'd spotted a few notices about road closures and diversions for Sunday afternoon. I didn't expect what happened, as the whole island of Malta seemed to descend on Spinola Bay, with all their Irish themed clothes and headwear. See here.
But I used to go to St. Patricks' school in Collyhurst, Manchester and every year on St. Patricks' Day, we were given shamrock to wear. I didn't need to do this as I had my own, sent from Ireland to my grandparents, who gave us all a small piece. Oh yes! Low lie the Fields of Athenry! Moiya!
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Thank you for that, Clarion - so interesting. I, too, have spent a holiday at St. Julian's Bay on Malta but, owing to the fact that I had sprained my ankle just before jetting off, I didn't see as much of the island as I would have liked. Thought sister island of Gozo was beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your day.
This thread is 'sticky'.
I told you not to type and eat marmalade sandwiches at the same time!
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Thank you, Spare Ed.

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